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New things to unlock - more ways to reward playing

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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 7:28:26 AM
I don't know if you played SotS: The Pit but I believe that game had one cool feature that would fit with DotE quite nicely. I'm talking about various terminals that with high enough skill could be hacked into and on success player would get a random massage (I believe from over 350 in game) that with high enough decipher skill they could decipher fully or get bits and pieces forcing a player to find it again to translate the rest (fully translated messages would not be appearing on new terminals). And only 100 are available on easy. Rest require higher difficulty setting (at least normal).

I'm not proposing you implement this exactly as it is but maybe some kind of monument in 1-2 rooms per floor that you could interact with and would give you interesting messages would be interesting way to motivate people to play your game. So you died on 3rd floor again? So what you unlocked few new messages. And those could be anything, from data on Endless or Auriga natives to weird messages like "Strange poem about someone named Mr. Girard and his love for ice-cream" or purely comical ones. Chance of finding new could be influenced by wit.

I think you could make entire library that would show only things you unlocked during various playthroughs like:

1. Artifact collection (purely for decoration)

2. Bestiary

3. Found items

4. Heroes biographies which would include new information and back story on them (like story of Hikensha first arena battle, or her escape from lab). Those wouldn't necessary need to be longer than couple sentences and would unlock when player did something in dungeons like died with specific hero X times, cleared dungeon X times, found 1000 dust while exploring with a hero ect. (depending what game can easily track).

5. Found messages (see above)

6. Unlocked (for example some for every artifact, 10 messages ect.) concept art.

I strongly believe that games where you are supposed to die a lot should have some kind of feature that makes you feel you accomplished something despite dying horribly in the end ^^ And I think it is one of the ways to do it, some runs you go for the bottom floor and sometimes you go to find out what really opbot was doing before the crash. It would also motivate me not to quit straight away after 2 of my heroes got themselves killed because I would have another reason to continue knowing that even if my chances of surviving are slim I may find out the favorite color of creative director smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 9:00:50 AM

Yes, we agree smiley: smile

We planned to implement some of these ideas in the game!
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 10:15:31 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

Yes, we agree smiley: smile

We planned to implement some of these ideas in the game!

Great ^^ I'm already curious what it my be, I'm sure it will be worth waiting for smiley: wink
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