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Hero positionning tools

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10 years ago
Apr 15, 2014, 5:46:47 PM

As you probably know, a new expansion for FTL was released the other day; I played a few games of it and one of the new features made my DotE player senses tingling : the "save positions" feature

Fig. 1: FTL's "Save current positions" and "Everyone go back to saved positions" buttons

While this feature would not be perfect "as is" in DotE (since heroes are more mobile over a game of DotE than in FTL), I feel that a similar mechanism could be implemented in DotE.

Here is my personnal workflow when invading a floor :

  • Position the heroes before opening a door : strength heroes on chokes, others (maintainers) on modules not too far from chokes
  • Open a door
  • If enemies spotted, move all heroes on chokes
  • Once the fight is finished : if a new dust slot is available, assign it and eventually re-arrange the mainainers with the new module. Otherwise (9 times out of ten), everyone goes back where they were on step one.

  • [/LIST]

    You can probably see where I'm heading here: I'd appreciate some feature that would automatically re-position heroes after a fight. I'm a forgetful person and I often open a door without re-positioning my maintainers beforehand, losing precious resources ! Maybe copying what FTL does isn't the best option (I would have to save new positions quite often - that being said it's just a click, so it's not much to do), or maybe .... no actually right now I can't think of a better (and simple enough) solution. But maybe these remarks will provide some food for thought for you guys !


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    10 years ago
    Apr 15, 2014, 10:47:35 PM
    I would like this. I really don't like rushing to my heroes from the fight, going back to the fight, then repeating this process three times, by which at least one is probably near death. So I support this smiley: biggrin
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    10 years ago
    Apr 16, 2014, 9:37:41 AM
    Yes, this feature could be useful in the game smiley: smile I’m adding it to our list and we will discuss it with the team.
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    10 years ago
    Apr 22, 2014, 3:45:49 PM
    A system like that would be great. It would spared the player a lot of time, because for now it's an every turn routine to move back characters. And routine is not so enjoyable in a game. ^^' So a system like that should really be in DotE. : )
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    10 years ago
    Apr 26, 2014, 9:07:04 PM
    I found myself scrolling over to click that while playing, only to realize I wasn't playing FTL >.> lol

    They are both equally addictive!
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    10 years ago
    Apr 30, 2014, 7:19:30 PM
    I was thinking this too when I was playing FTL's new expansion. I think it fits well for the current iteration of the game, but I'm not sure how it will at its release. The main reason for this feature would be because of module operation; you want to get the bonuses to FIS production every time you open a door by having the heroes operate the modules, then you position them wherever your choke point is to deal with enemy waves, and finally you repeat the process. However, Mysterarts has mentioned that this isn't the way the Dev team has been looking at module operation (you can find a link to his post here). It's supposed to be a bit more of a risk -- any hero that you have operating cannot move or attack once you've commanded them to operate that module. The benefit is that the longer that one hero remains "locked in", the greater bonus to resource production that hero provides.

    If the operating mechanic were this, we wouldn't have to constantly be moving the heroes to and from certain positions. Perhaps though if heroes are still able to operate modules to a lessened degree than if they were to be locked in to operate, we might still have a this as a convienent tool for repositioning.
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    10 years ago
    May 1, 2014, 9:59:47 AM
    I didn't see that message you linked. If they end up doing this it's true that these mechanisms wouldn't be as useful...
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    10 years ago
    May 2, 2014, 12:27:22 AM
    I register on this forum to post exactly the same suggestion. That feature on FTL was great !

    The new mechanics described in the post Lulz! mentionned are really interesting too, but I don't think your idea would be useless even if they do implement these mechanics.
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