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just a new idea

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10 years ago
Apr 6, 2014, 11:08:05 PM
I thought about something that could be quite interesting. I'm talking about drones. Here is the way I see things.

Drones would be non-combattant units. As such, they wouldn't count as a hero, what would allow the player to control 4 heroes AND a few drones (maybe with 5 to 0 keys).

They would have specifical use. I see

_a drone that can operate modules, to boost income.

_a drone that can repair modules. i see him quite fast moving to repair quickly between 2 "rounds".

_a drone that could only be used to open doors, allowing the player to "embush" mobs with his heroes.

_a drone that could be used to see in unpowered rooms. It can't keep the room from spawning mobs, but at least, it can allow the player to see what is happening there (like when you want to protect an artifact or a merchant but can't leave a hero there).

_a drone that can power up a single room, whether it is linked to the core or not.

We could simply find them in a room. They can be broken, what would need a hero with the repair skill to make them move again.

We could buy drones from the merchant too, but it would be quite expensive. These drones wouldn't be broken of course.

We would be able to bring them from a floor to an other.

Maybe they could be working for a limited time or a limited number of opened doors/cleared floors. Let's say they have limited fuel or whatever energy they need, and when it's empty, you can't have them work again.

Feel free to add ideas about drones.

Don't forget to say if you like this idea, the more ppl will answer, the better chance we'll have to see drones appear in DotE smiley: smile

Thanks for reading me smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Apr 12, 2014, 6:39:31 PM
I find that to be a good idea. Although I personally would find it nice to be able to get them some other way. Perhaps have parts dropped by mobs, instead of everything being dependent of rooms. Still, I think it suits the game well.

I just think that there shouldn't be that many different bots. Maybe just one kind of bot that can repair and operate modules, but cannot be destroyed. They'd get in the way, and personally I think having to take care of 4 dudes is already enough. But, they do have a limited amount of fuel but that can be refilled. Either from chests/merchants you can get fuel but you can also buy it with.. power or science (so that stat has more use). That seems a nice addition and actually useful. But that's just my idea
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10 years ago
Apr 13, 2014, 12:59:21 AM
Oh, wow, that is a very neat idea. Could add a great deal more variation to the game. Although, having one which can operate a machine might be a bit overpowered because as things are right now, it would be like having an entire extra hero by freeing up a hero for positioning. Nevertheless, I'm sure the devs would know how to balance the game/drones idea, and I hope it will be considered!
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10 years ago
Apr 13, 2014, 11:30:40 AM
Well, i don't think it would be that overpowered to have an operating drone. Heroes can level up, thus get more and more effective when operating. Drones don't. So, maybe in early game they would be as effective as heroes, but they'll quickly fall behind.

I quite like the idea of parts falling from mobs, but it is a whole new coding part as mobs don't drop anything at the moment, so it would mean much more work for devs. Anyway, we know devs aren't afraid of hard work smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Apr 18, 2014, 2:56:02 AM
^completely off topic joke

This idea is interesting and I like it. I especially like the idea of using the drone to see in different rooms. I never am able to protect an artifact and a merchant while healing my heroes in a wave, so maybe a drone that gives a slight healing boost could be worked in as an upgrade.
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10 years ago
Apr 21, 2014, 2:38:48 AM
Well, don't forget drones are devices that are "native" from the planet. Thus, i don't see them able to manage healing on extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, I only listed a few way a machine can be useful dealing with other machines, your "medical drones" would be quite strange are they are not meant to know humans. But that's only my point of vue, your idea is totally acceptable so why not smiley: wink

An other thing, I think it would be quite overpowered, what again is my own vision ^^
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 1:16:59 PM
Nice idea, but I think it has to be difficult to get a drone, if you dont want to make the game to easy. I know they are just for support but every additional character you can controll makes the game easier to handle. You see how significant the different is between having 2, 3 or 4 heros.

I like the idea to collect the parts to build drones. This would be an additional motivation to explore more rooms, when you can find them inside. Buying them from a merchant could also be possible, or even find them as loot from mobs (they eat them ^^).

I would limit the amount of controling drones at one time up to 2 or 3. Like I said before: the more you control the easier it will be.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 2:16:15 PM
That is not a bad idea but the things that make this game so good is because, in fact, it is simple.

I mean u have 4 heroes and no more because u wouldn't be able to micro them very well, u have to make choices and that is very interesting.

If u add some drones, u break one of the rules in this game imo

But why not a drone with less utility and befor all, without needed to be micro (ai)
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 2:48:34 PM
I agree with Vinzt that drones would simplify the challenge in the game. That is not to say the idea cannot be used, but perhaps instead of adding drones to your 4 heroes: you can have a "drone" as a hero. The drone would be semi-automated (AI controlled, repair automatically, etc) and can be moved to a particular room to operate a module there. It would get high operation bonus, but couldn't directly participate in combat.

Now it becomes a difficult choice: play with one less "hero", but have certain tasks made more convenient?
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 6:14:27 AM
On one hand it seems a bit unbalancing. However, that could be managed with a few tweaks.

~To operate drones you need to have a Drone Control Module. In order for drones to move or execute actions one of your Heroes must be operating the Module.

~The number of drones able to be controlled and their efficiency would be dependent on the operators wit.

~Low wit and many drones out could increase the chances of a "accident" (open multiple doors at once, heal an enemy, deal damage to a module, etc.)

~There could be a reduction for having many different types out verses having multiples of the same.
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 9:05:19 PM
Kuanjita, this is a brilliant idea! I think some of the concerns above about drones being OP or over complicating the game have merit. However, there are definitely ways around those concerns.

I think it would be really interesting to produce the drones through a major module. Either make the module something researched through science, or make it random like a dust factory. One way to keep drones from being OP would be to make them cost heavy on industry. Or maybe cross it between industry and science. Anyway, if it's a major module, you can build a factory on any major module panels. Or, if it is a random encounter when opening rooms, you would have to spend major industry to repair the factory to get it running.

The factory itself could be designed like an Artifact. Once the module is built or discovered and repaired, you have a selection of so many different types of drones to build (probably 4). To build a drone, it should cost a lot of industry or perhaps one would have to use science to discover each type of drone and then use industry to build them. This would make it tough to have drones early game. However, it would make it really cool for the late game I think.

Anyway, it would also be interesting to connect every drone to a specific party member. The drones will only provide augmentation depending on what type of drone it is. They won't be able to fight, and if a party member dies, their drone also dies. By linking the drones to the party members, you could keep the game from being over complicated. Perhaps, the drones could act merely based on what you command a certain party member to do. For instance, if one type of drone was a drone that will man a major module. Perhaps, when linked to a character, the drone's benefit would be to man a major module (if there is one) in a room adjacent to the major module you have your party member manning. Or perhaps one type of drone could be a teleportation drone. If you're looking to protect a weak area or a merchant, you pick a spot, set the drone in that room, and can use that drone to teleport to that spot when in need (there would be a cooldown afterward). So, in the end, the drones become more like a extra active or passive skill, rather than a separate party member altogether.

These were just a few of the ideas I had after reading this post. I'm going to spend some more time thinking about it because it's a great idea with a lot of possibilities. I'll comment again if I have anything else. I'm curious to know what you all think!
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 9:31:56 PM
That is a pretty good take on it Wanderer! >.> My thread isn't picking up to much steam. I might toss those ideas back up over here.

You have got me thinking that my take on drones might be a touch too simplified.
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10 years ago
May 2, 2014, 7:15:41 AM
So I had a bit of a new take on this.

~Two categories, Drones (major unit) and Bots (minor unit). Drones are less versatile than heroes, Bots are attached to heroes and can have special triggers.

-Two additional character slots that can only be filled by Drones.

-Drones can also be deployed in up to two empty Hero slots. (See next entry)

-Additionally Drones can be Recalled instead of Dismissed and can be deployed again later.

~Drone Station, Major Module, must be researched from an Artifact (Major Module section). This must be built on any floor you wish to deploy Bots or Drones.

-Tier 1 opens one Drone slot, Tier 2 the second, Tier 3 unlocks one hero slot able to be filled, Tier 4 the second hero slot can be used for drone.

~New section on Artifact for Drone category research. This section is only available when there is a Drone Station on the floor.

~Drones: These can be deployed to any powered room to perform a variety of tasks. These can also be ranked up just like Heroes to improve base stats and add more functionality.

-Module Maintainer: Repairs modules, Operates Major modules, Chance to rebuild modules destroyed in room.

-Killer Sentry: Deals Medium to High damage to targets in room. Increases Damage and attack speed of Heroes and Modules in room.

-Stalwart Guard: Improves Defense of heroes and modules in room, Slows enemies in room, Function as a Tear Gas module.

-Gonk Droid: Can power a single room even if not connected to a powered room. (Still requires Dust, no other rooms can be powered adjacent to it)

-Bunker Buster: High defense and HP, can open doors, will fire off a Claymore style attack once after entering a room. (based on idea from OP)

~Bots: These are companions to the Heroes (only heroes, not drones) Most will boost one stat moderately or two stats slightly at all times or have a trigger for a stronger effect or unique effect.

-Sniffer: Increases gain of Food, Industry, Science, or Dust found in rooms.

-Tactician: Increases all combat stats slightly when more than one enemy is in the room.

-Technician: Repairs modules (even during active combat in room) Focuses on the most heavily damaged module (%)

-Scavenger: Chance to find a small amount of resources from fallen enemies in room.

Some of the other ideas in this thread could also be incorporated easily as well. Like the OPs Door opener (I'll add my spin on it above)
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