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10 years ago
May 2, 2014, 4:20:50 PM
Hello Guys,

the game is great ! i just love it.

I've got a couple of suggestions though :

- i'd like to see more things to unlock, and see some kind of progression from a game to another.

There could be a currency, granted at the end of a game in regard to the number of doors opened and used in an equipment shop at the begining of the game, a boost of starting resources, or levels of module upgrades (unlock level 4/5/6 etc ...).

- passive skills : we don't need 4 heroes with manipulate (only 3 are useful), more than 2 with repair, and more than one with the magnifier (+2 dust on foggy rooms).

it would be cool if we could choose between 2 passive skills when leveling the heroes, it would add a little bit of strategy.

- teleport active skill !

and i wish there was no level cap for heroes smiley: smile

Keep up the good work !
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10 years ago
May 4, 2014, 4:41:04 AM
pjuvigny wrote:
Hello Guys,

the game is great ! i just love it.

I've got a couple of suggestions though :

- i'd like to see more things to unlock, and see some kind of progression from a game to another.

There could be a currency, granted at the end of a game in regard to the number of doors opened and used in an equipment shop at the begining of the game, a boost of starting resources, or levels of module upgrades (unlock level 4/5/6 etc ...).

Right now there is the hero selection that carries over. Items and/or tech would be another idea, but that would take away from the whole random encounter idea the game is based on. There is also the sort of system Reus had in place. Complete in-game achievements to gain new modules/levels/heroes, etc.

- passive skills : we don't need 4 heroes with manipulate (only 3 are useful), more than 2 with repair, and more than one with the magnifier (+2 dust on foggy rooms).

There's no way to guarantee which heroes you get except the first two. Maybe you'll get Gork and the new Maso guy.

it would be cool if we could choose between 2 passive skills when leveling the heroes, it would add a little bit of strategy.

- teleport active skill !

I would actually like this idea. Choosing between different skills & abilities would add another layer of strategy and allows you to be a bit more flexible with the situation. E.g. getting Opbot to heal instead of hack.
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10 years ago
May 4, 2014, 7:30:30 AM
ZumboPrime wrote:
There is also the sort of system Reus had in place. Complete in-game achievements to gain new modules/levels/heroes, etc.

I like this idea.

The only fear i have for this game is that it lasts as long as FTL : once i've unlocked all the ships i lost interest in the game.

I don't want to lose interest in DotE once all the heroes unlocked.

ZumboPrime wrote:
Choosing between different skills & abilities would add another layer of strategy and allows you to be a bit more flexible with the situation. E.g. getting Opbot to heal instead of hack.

Exactly what i add in mind, especially when you have both Deena Ratchet and Opbot : choose to have one healer and one hacker.
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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 9:46:17 AM

Because the game requires the player to assimilate a lot of notions (modules / tower defence, tactical, RPG etc...), we decided to keep things simple for several elements, like the research system or the hero level up.

But we will increase the number of items with skills, which is a way to personalise the passive skills of a hero smiley: smile

About unlocks: we want to avoid making the game easier with persistent unlocks, but we're working on the account progression which rather adds diversity in the game (like different spaceships for different game modes) smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 11:26:29 AM
Mysterarts wrote:
About unlocks: we want to avoid making the game easier with persistent unlocks, ...

It's one of the trademarks of rogue-likes though.

I can understand your point of view in the case of multiplayer, when it creates disadvantage.

But in single player it creates a purpose for replayability. It can be the base for allowing access to higher difficulty levels : "Easy" difficulty is not that easy at the moment, if you come with a "Normal" or even "Hard" difficulty later on, i think it will probably be unplayable without a high amount of luck.

That said, it only concerns the single mode actually available, perhaps the other modes you're preparing will change my opinion (i hope so ! smiley: smile)
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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 6:10:15 PM

On lower levels it's sometimes hard to hold positions of strategically important rooms with low minor module count, only if all heroes are there, actually. Maybe an offensive major module will be a good idea, the question of should it be operatable or automatic is debatable.

Door barricade/override - when both rooms around a door are scavenged a hero can "transfer" it - open the door and lock another in some(maybe even upgradable) range. It is sometime a real pain when there is a major slot in the next room but opening a door separating you from it is too dangerous(2 attack fronts). Maybe the locking of the door will occur only on the next turn(one'll have to hold tight for this turn) and upgrading it will give an immediate slam?

NPCs die like flies, it's like "Oh hi there, i've got some nice gear for sale. Oh, you're low on dust, it's OK, i'll wait right here while you are opening the next door. Why are you running back so fast now? Oh... I get it, bye forever...". The same with heroes to hire when one's low on food. If there'd be a way to guide them to safety when they are too far from your positions. A passive skill - when hero stands in a room with NPC and a door is opened chose a room next to NPC where he will go. That way with small steps he gets where one needs him instead of standing and doing nothing while attacked. Or letting monsters pass by with an invisibility spell - hero(applied only to this hero or hero for hire, not all heroes in room) and merchants in room get invisible(not attacked by monsters) and cannot attack for some time.
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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 8:14:46 PM
pjuvigny wrote:

There could be a currency, granted at the end of a game in regard to the number of doors opened and used in an equipment shop at the begining of the game, a boost of starting resources, or levels of module upgrades (unlock level 4/5/6 etc ...).

thats a bad idea you take resources from 1 lvl to another in later lvl i have always 1,5K industy and food and with the moduls i often have in lvl 6 all big moduls and weapons and some of the other on lvl 4 already and the game will be longer so you get to powerfull to early in the game and i often find 2-3 research kristal in one lvl and have about 200 research resource so i can research 3 moduls with only have to open 3 doors, you get progress real quick almoust too quick.
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