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A 'Return All Characters to a Selected Room' button

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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 4:49:12 PM
Often when I'm playing DotE I'll set up a panic room if you will. This is the room at the very centre of my defense network and generally has the most defense both in it and between unpowered rooms at that particular room. When waves come and espically in the later floors I generally retreat all my characters to that room and wait it out.

However sometimes in the confusion I leave one character out in an unpowered room or still operating a module leading to them being injured and wasting food or worse, dying. Therefore I think it would be a nice little feature to be able to mark a room as a Panic Room for want of a better name and with a click of a button send all your characters back there. I don't know if this would take away from certain aspects of the challenge as the confusion caused when multiple waves arrives is challenging but I'm curious to see what you guys think.
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 9:11:13 PM
Totally in agreement, some sort of hotkey for "fall back like crazy". I know it isn't exactly what your looking for but you can always press the "Q" key (selects all heroes) and send em back manually. I have to do that from time to time...to time...endlessly.
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 9:15:41 PM
Sounds like a useful idea to me - in Dawn of War I / Dawn of War II falling back had its own strategic value, why not have a nice button / keybind in ED too? smiley: approval
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 10:29:01 PM
ZapRowsdower wrote:
Totally in agreement, some sort of hotkey for "fall back like crazy". I know it isn't exactly what your looking for but you can always press the "Q" key (selects all heroes) and send em back manually. I have to do that from time to time...to time...endlessly.

I was not aware of this! While not, as you say, exactly that, it will certainly serve the purpose for the time being.

Tredecim wrote:
Sounds like a useful idea to me - in Dawn of War I / Dawn of War II falling back had its own strategic value, why not have a nice button / keybind in ED too? smiley: approval

Glad you agree, and to put it tactiful "We're not retreating - we're advancing in the opposite direction.
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10 years ago
May 8, 2014, 12:04:00 AM
Yea I looked around and couldn't find a clear hotkey list on the net (prolly didn't look hard enough), so I started pressing the buttons in order from left to right down the keyboard. Learned that from my DOS gaming days where they didn't tell you what keys did what. Ye olde school, once again, FTW.

Related note the "U" key opens the heroes stats/inventory info. Pretty swanky.

And yes, were strategically allowing the mobs to take this room to crush them hideously in the next room. A time honored plan.
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10 years ago
May 8, 2014, 6:54:02 PM
ZapRowsdower wrote:
Yea I looked around and couldn't find a clear hotkey list on the net (prolly didn't look hard enough), so I started pressing the buttons in order from left to right down the keyboard. Learned that from my DOS gaming days where they didn't tell you what keys did what. Ye olde school, once again, FTW.

Related note the "U" key opens the heroes stats/inventory info. Pretty swanky.

And yes, were strategically allowing the mobs to take this room to crush them hideously in the next room. A time honored plan.

I'll have to add U to the list of useful keybinds along with Q from above.
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10 years ago
May 8, 2014, 7:30:30 PM
Actually digging around a bit deeper I found that you can edit one of the files that came with DotE (Registry.xml) and change all the hotkeys. The "`" (tilde) key next to the number keys is also "select all heroes".
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