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Suggestion: make recovery possible after disaster (cloning facility maybe?)

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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 6:46:23 AM
Hi Everyone,

This is a great little game I've deeply enjoyed so far.

However, it is also very unforgiving particularly at the humorously named 'easy' difficulty level. The problem is that no matter how perfect start you may have, how well everything is going, one slight mistake (oops I did not constantly keep my eye on the healthbar) almost always leads to unrecoverable position particularly at deeper levels.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy a challenge, but when you play for several hours, after which small mistake costs a life of one hero, you can pretty much abandon that play through right there if you are on levels 3+.

So this is a suggestion to fix that somehow. On a more broader level, the game would be more enjoyable if there was bit more tolerance for small mistakes, or at least, importantly, if there was a way to somehow still recover from a disaster scenario.

It could be (just an example) a cloning facility which would allow cloning of a dead. This could work like follows:

1) after a hero is killed (maybe on floors 3+?), a cloning facility would spawn randomly in an un-opened room 2-5 doors away.

2) the location of the facility would be known to the player.

3) player would have to recover DNA from the dead body and transport that (perhaps within a certain time, maybe a running timer or max number of doors opened in between?) to the cloning facility.

4) upon success, the cloning would be made at a cost (food? dust?)

4a) perhaps, instead of the DNA transport timer, there could be a timer (doors opened) for the cloning to complete.

4b) there could also be a cloning penalty on the cloned hero which would gradually disappear (-30%, -20%, -10% all stats, reducing when doors are opened?)

What something like this would bring is:

1) Hope of a recovery after a disaster.

2) Reason to keep playing after a disaster, because there would still be a realistic (or slim?) chance to make it.

3) Fun flavor & maybe bit of a "minigame" (if there's a real time timer?) in case of character death.

To summarize: great game, lot's of fun & challenge, but very unforgiving, with practically no chance of recovery after disaster leading to quitting the current run upon death. Please consider improving this aspect of the game.
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 9:23:10 AM
ok its hard to loose a hero but you have the chance to find another one and you can pause the game with space key and allways research!!! to get better weapon moduls.
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10 years ago
May 7, 2014, 9:08:14 PM
I like the idea in principal, but I think it should be more like an option that you can turn on or off for the difficulty. I know the feeling of leveling up the perfect hero and then loosing them while reaching for more chips...and now you don't get them back...ever.
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10 years ago
May 9, 2014, 12:52:09 AM
I think the feeling of frustration is part of the game. It's our job to ( try to ? ) stay alive. The situation can suddenly be dramatic, and that's why this game is so fascinating for me smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 11, 2014, 11:10:59 AM
barhnam wrote:
I think the feeling of frustration is part of the game. It's our job to ( try to ? ) stay alive. The situation can suddenly be dramatic, and that's why this game is so fascinating for me smiley: smile

I agree, if there is a cloning facility why would they be "Survivors"? Yes it could be optional and implemented maybe only in a difficulty, or it could be an expensive upgrade, but instead of an endless cloning, you could clone it only once in the entire game. It is a good idea though smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 7:14:27 AM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the feedback. The idea indeed is not that one should be able to continuously clone the dead, but that it would be a heroic feat to accomplish this after a disaster - it should be difficult, and something that makes continuing the game motivating after serious disaster.

However, I must say that after winning the game on easy now twice on a row (even after losing a hero), the game may not be quite as unforgiving as I initially felt it was. The key to both these victories was being lucky early with technology, and finding Gork. Two level 4 dust fields, Gork with hipster scarf, and smart use of choke points actually does make the game much less "twitchy", and even loss of a hero does not upset the situation too much. I used to completely discount the defence boosting dust fields, but now I consider them absolutely essential after first few floors, as they really remove lot of the "twitch factor" from the game, and make it less likely to lose hero on a split second mistake.

So perhaps this cloning facility would be more of an idea of providing flavor for the game, not something completely essential to ensure that you can continue playing after loss of one hero.

However, it would seem to me that particularly on harder difficulty level, it might be a good idea to provide level 1 dust field module at the start of the game to go along with the stun prod attack module. This module is pretty much essential after floor two or three in my mind, and having access to low level version of it at the start makes the game bit less random in terms of whether you find an artifact, and whether you happen to get precisely this module.

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