Hi every one,

First of all, I like DotE a lot and I know you guys in amplitude, are not so many to work on this specific game. So keep going !! You're doing great !

Now, I know this is an alpha version and that you will improve the narrative aspects of the game. But still, I though I might suggest you something. I Tried to look in the forum but I saw nothing so I got no choice but to create a new thread.

What about immersive choices ? My idea start with three observations : first, DotE is mainly focused on doors. Second, even if it has its own lore, it lacks immersive aspects. Third : there is two kind of Heroes : the one that open doors, and the one that stay behind.

Then I got this idea : what if, when you open some doors, you got a pop up that asks you to make a choice ? For example : there is an alarm connected to the door and you got 4 wire, one will cut the alarm, the other three will spawn a wave of monsters. Now, you do not need to make that choice directly, you can bring your DV8 or any engineer a bit clever to open that door. Then, depending on the cleverness, the good wire will appear. In that way, your engineer is used to open doors instead of only stay in the back.

That was only an example of how you could use some immersive choices in the door opening management. But we can imagine a lot of other events, each depending on some stat (speed, defense), abilities, weapons or items, or even Fids (using tech to open doors, food to sustain monsters, etc.). That way, you could really make the choice of characters, items, smiley: fids specialization, and leveling character, relevant. Besides, that would bring a strong immersive feeling of choice, and we could imagine events based on the lore (heroe race, or distinctive aspect (troe Pequeno able to go through a tunnel and open the door from the other side etc.)), some with a choice between two bad stuff, others on goods, others on items, etc.

I don't know if my idea is hard to make, or if you already thought about implementing something close to it, but I think it could bring a deaper experience and a great replayablitity to the game !

And I'm sure a lot of people will propose some great ideas too ! smiley: wink