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The trust mechanic

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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 6:33:50 PM

I didn't see a thread talking about what could be the trust mechanic so I create this one (if there is a thread I would be happy with a link).

I was thinking about the trust mechanic and I had some ideas. And because I don't see what to do with these ideas I write them here.

-Each character can trust or not each other character. Trust could be a gauge from 0 to 100. For exemple at 70 it's trust, below it's mistrust.

-Obviously in the start wards doesn't trust inmates and vice versa

-Two characters in the same room who doesn't trust each other have a small penalty (-3 to attack and defence). On the contrary Two characters who trust each other have bonus (+3)

-If two characters fight together in the same room, their respective trust is increased

-Some skills could change the trust. For example, a skill could be considered selfish and when the a character use it, he lose a little of the other's trust.

-Some rooms could ask the player to do choice and according to the choice, the whole trust of the wards or the global trust of the inmates decreases.

-When a character die, all characters overall lose trust

-Some support skill could only works on allies whose the character trust

-We could imagine character with specificities like a ward who has a really hard time to trust inmates or two friends character who can't loose trust in each other

-Wards could lose globally trust when the player give a weapon to an inmate

-It doesn't concern trust but a ward could refuse to wear an inmate cloth

Problem I see :

-I would complicate the interface with all the trust state for each character and with the ward/inmate information. A solution would be, when you select a character, to show on each other character if he/she is trusted or not by the selected character.

And it's all I thought. Excuse me if there are mistakes but English is not my mother tongue.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 2:05:19 PM
Hi supertartiflette (I think I know this name ^^),

When we came up with the idea of wards and prisoners, we thought about these types of interactions and we really wanted to add that in the game. Because it’s not in our core gameplay, we don’t know how deep this feature will be worked on, but you listed here a lot of really good uses of this mechanic, thanks!


For now, it’s not really easy to distinguish (though we didn’t want to have the “orange suits” versus the “blue uniforms”) but if we play with this difference, we will give more information in game. Deena and Sara are wards, Hikensha is a local and the others are prisoners.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 10:01:55 AM
I feel like this mechanic could be expanded into more special themes, for example, I have given out the idea of relationships between Heroes. But I really like how well explained this mechanic is.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 11:11:08 AM
The mechanic reminds me a bit of fire emblem's system where you could "unlock" extra character dialog and back story by having characters fight together (next to one another or "paired" in Awakening). The enhancements started out small, but became important as you progressed through the story.

I would like to see this or something similar make it into the game. By the end of the game (currently level 5), I find myself attached to my team that I guided through the various dungeon blocks and it pains me to lose one to the dungeon inhabitants.

The mechanic could work on the normal event cycle of door opening. Instead of operating a node for extra ind/food, the heroes would be in the same room developing trust.

A hidden door counter on each character's development with one another would make progression feel more genuine. By not seeing the counter, players would not be as pressed to get X and Y heroes together for 6 more open doors for better enhancements.
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11 years ago
May 3, 2014, 2:44:53 AM
Maybe when you have one character selected, their "trust" towards each other character could have an easily identifiable smiley-face beneath their character portrait, where less trust has orange/red faces that are sad/angry/worried, while more trust has green faces that smile more and more.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2014, 12:29:08 AM
Perhaps trust should also be gained if a character repairs a module while the other character is in the room with them, or an adjacent room. I feel this could be very easy to abuse so perhaps a limit would have to be set, I mean I can feel a lot of characters would say "Right, I trust you enough to repair the modules without killing us all" and no longer gain trust from the action.
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11 years ago
May 7, 2014, 9:18:58 PM
Havin crazy flashbacks to another game where this was important...and how epic it was. To add my idea to the pot, you could have characters with there own agenda. There going to escape from this place, and they hope you can be there too, if not thats cool also. This is the type of a character that will run instead of fight to hold a room from monsters.

The idea of trust and mistrust would be tricky to get working but I agree that it would be great if it worked out.
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11 years ago
May 20, 2014, 11:07:24 PM
I think this could add additional depth to the game. As mentioned by others trust could be gained or lost between characters by interactions through game play. One Idea I have to add to current suggestions small amounts of trust, with a cap gained this way, could be gained from fighting together in addition to the repairing and being in a room when doors are opened. This also opens up nice little nasty events that can be triggered during combat, for example: "hero A" has a trust level at 50% towards "hero B", but unfortunately this misplaced because "hero B" has a trust level at 30% towards "hero A". During combat an "accident" happens and "hero B" mistakenly sprays "hero A" with machine gun fire ruining his day.
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