I struggled most with level 3 and 4 when those damn pink zombies hit the scene en masse, and plowed through my modules again and again. Eventually, I came to the conclusion the best way to deal with them is to deal with them separately, by distracting them with prods while the heroes thin the ranks from another room. I usually lose a few prods, but they are cheap enough, and my industry is typically in the hundred by this point, that they are effectively disposable. Hint: high-level prods are more durable.

It would be useful - certainly - to possess a module which could perform this task more efficiently; However, a good suggestion must include a new strategic dimension.

Proposal: a single-use module triggered by non-flying units at short range.

  • Maybe 'invisible' to mobs which target modules
  • Alternative: a mine-layer module (invisible) which recharges ordinance like the lure, but which consumes industry each time. Low initial build cost & demolish to prevent the consumption of excess resources.

Weapons which possess an upkeep cost or those that self-destruct would require the player to choose between immediate efficacy and long-term economic concerns. The same concept could be applied to other resources - ie. a massive canon which consumes dust.
