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Rescue of heroes

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10 years ago
May 20, 2014, 10:56:32 PM
OwLY wrote:
I like this idea, on my first play through I actually assumed this was already a feature. From a role-playing standpoint it makes sense and adds more tension, similar to shutting the safehouse door at the end of a L4D level, or making sure you don't jump away without your boarding crew in FTL.

I agree fully with this. It would add a lot to the crystal phase if all the player had to close and seal the doors in the exit room. Then progress to the next level could be triggered when all the hostiles are dealt with in the room, any heroes left outside the now sealed room are lost.
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10 years ago
Jun 11, 2014, 9:49:39 PM
I think that the idea could be expanded upon.

The crystal-bearer should be able to close almost any door in the room it is in. The last door leading to the forward path to the exit cannot be closed. Only doors of multiple paths, dead-ends or backwards paths can be closed.

So, there will be a strategic 'let's close this door to hold back mobs'.

BUT the mobs will likely have door openers, so the deterrent will be only temporary. Doors opened by mobs can never be closed again in the crystal phase - except those of the last room (more on this later).

Closing a door may be a tactical choice which may leave a character to his death.

And finally:

The last door should open to a room which is one of:



airship (not spaceworthy)

back of giant beast (pteranodon, ultrasaurus, merchant-caravan-mounted-shop-atop-a-triceratops)

teleportation device

riverside raft


Which will take the player to the next level.

To go to the next level, the player must:

1) Seal the last door(s), locking itself in this room

2) Place the crystal on a crystal pedestal which enables a force field, making the door(s) invulnerable against door openers.

3) Kill all remaining mobs in the last room.

4) Have time to do any last-minute adjustments. (picking up items from fallen heroes which died defending this room)

5) Activate crystal after placed on pedestal to go to next level.

And that's that.
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10 years ago
Jun 6, 2014, 8:27:04 PM
I have mixed feelings about leaving the heroes behind, I understand it is a rogue-like but you need to give players a chance of survival. Not throw tons of mobs at them and let them try to prevail, even though this is pretty funny to watch imo. I would like if the crystal bearer brings the crystal to the exit floor, but it powers the room and could create two random defenses to support the heroes in the exit room fighting off mobs. While a timer appears for the other heroes not in the room to try and make their way back to the exit or be left behind in a sea of brutality, madness, and horror as they get overwhelmed. It really gives a sense of desperation within the game, like the heroes are just trying to survive in an uncaring and hostile environment. This is my two cents.
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 8:51:50 PM
DEY123 wrote:
I think the easiest option is having the exit room be a room that monsters won't enter. When all your living characters arrive there you advance. If some don't make it well..then they don't make it to the exit because they get killed

Why don't the monsters enter the exit room? I feel like the horde should be able to enter the next floor right up until you shut the door behind you. Maybe it's not a literal door-- it could be an elevator or a teleporter, for example-- but in any case, as long as it's open for your characters to go through, it should be open for monsters to go through.
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10 years ago
Jun 3, 2014, 9:04:50 AM
From a roleplaying point of view I'd expect the person who is carrying the crystal to be protected by the team. That means someone Like Rakya would stand next to the door laying down covering fire Troe is cutting down the necrophages that got too close. As Opbot gets the crystal to the exit, Deena fires some carefully aimed shots to give Troe some breathing room and a chance to dash towards them. He scrambles through the door and Rakya slowly walks backwards, hosing the incomming horde with bullets. Deena is firing past her, one hand on the power button for the elevator, shouting for her to **** get on and get out of here.
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10 years ago
May 29, 2014, 12:56:47 PM
I like the idea of heroes being left behind if they are not in the exit room.

However, as others have stated, there should be some sort of timer (perhaps longer on lower difficulty levels and shorter on higher difficulty levels?) to get all heroes into the exit room.
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10 years ago
May 26, 2014, 8:45:58 PM
DEY123 wrote:
I think the easiest option is having the exit room be a room that monsters won't enter. When all your living characters arrive there you advance. If some don't make it well..then they don't make it to the exit because they get killed

I agree with this. Don't advance until all characters are in the room or dead.
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10 years ago
May 26, 2014, 1:21:18 AM
I think the easiest option is having the exit room be a room that monsters won't enter. When all your living characters arrive there you advance. If some don't make it well..then they don't make it to the exit because they get killed
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10 years ago
May 21, 2014, 2:20:03 AM
What about something like having the crystal 'port' be an activatable object, and so the crystal holder doesn't auto-place the crystal once they enter the room, but rather must activate the system by activiating the object? I think having a hero be incapacitated while the others catch up isn't a terrible idea and might balance it with a little more difficulty that just a button or something.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 10:29:08 AM

I tried DotE and absolutely love this game. Went through the game several times and I want MOAAAR!

Now suggestion:

Characters must be in the room(exit) at the time when the crystal is brought.

Otherwise, those heroes that have not been there do not move to the next level.

It will bring more excitement, complexity, and force the player to think good escape route to the exit.
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10 years ago
May 6, 2014, 6:39:40 AM
I think that once the crystal bearer makes it to the exit room, if all heroes are not in the exit already, a timer of so many seconds should start. If the hero does not get there in time, they do not make it to the next floor.

This could be implemented as an option. For instance, if a game has permadeath, it's normally an option. This could be too. Or it could depend on the difficulty. However, I think it's more fun when a game has so many difficulties, and then alternative options to make a game even harder, but only if the player chooses.
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10 years ago
May 5, 2014, 5:21:19 PM
Not sure about this one. If you want to use all your heroes during the crystal phase, it would mean a perfect timing.

I agree that all heroes should be at crystal, but then, party would not depart till all heroes are there instead of leaving those that are not there behind.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 10:07:57 AM
My only comment would be that if this was to be implemented IMO advancement shouldn't be automatic upon crystal reaching the exit. You need to have button (and shortcut in case every second is critical) so you have opportunity to allow some lost heroes to get there as well. (in case they were slowing down the horde)
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 9:00:46 AM

In fact, we are wondering if we should do that, but you're right, it could be a good way to improve the Crystal phase smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 12:18:56 AM
I like this idea, on my first play through I actually assumed this was already a feature. From a role-playing standpoint it makes sense and adds more tension, similar to shutting the safehouse door at the end of a L4D level, or making sure you don't jump away without your boarding crew in FTL.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 10:47:02 AM
This actually would work well, though it might be problem for people who dont know that and end up losing most of their heroes. smiley: biggrin
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