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Lore and more

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10 years ago
Jun 11, 2014, 10:29:55 PM
I think it would be an interesting idea to get more of the lore on the planet. There could also be interactive items that might have some sort of writing on them some story of the dungeon to give more back story. Rather than just the machines you can click or not, give some description of what they are and did, and have that description relate to which hero should actually operate the machine.

Something that might be interesting would be to see what the heroes might say in situations. Maybe have them talk every once in awhile, or say something when opening a door and seeing something. You could get there observations and a better idea of their personalities. They all have hilarious back stories and it would be fun to get more of this humor. Different heroes might also interact with each other in different ways. If two were left in a room they might talk to each other. This could be implemented with speech bubbles above there heads, or maybe a side tab with there names and what they were saying. Something small and unobtrusive that wouldn't get in the way but would add something to the game if you cared to read it. This would give players a better idea of their motivations and backstories, and give a reason to play some specific heroes over others.
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10 years ago
Jun 12, 2014, 10:28:28 AM

Absolutely, we plan to add some elements of lore and hero personalities. And yes, it’s fairly certain we will use some speech bubbles smiley: smile
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