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2 Suggestions

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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 1:44:41 PM
1. As many people have suggested, multiple saves would be nice. I want to take this a step further and ask for multiple profiles. I have a friend that likes to play the game but I have to erase or finish my game whenever he wants to play. He also starts of with everything I've unlocked. Multiple profiles would solve both issues of having multiple games and it would allow for us to unlock all the various heroes and ships more than just once. Sometimes, it just feels nice to start over from scratch!

2. While the addition of more heroes and ships will help, I still feel like once you've beaten the game and unlocked everything it becomes much less exciting. This obviously can't be completely fixed (it is a finite game after all), but I have a suggestion. We don't know how hard the other difficulties will be yet, but I imagine they will be gruesome. I understand some people are against earning rewards that make the game easier, and if we want to stay on that path we can incorporate that. However, I suggest every game we win unlocks *points* for a lack of a term, and perhaps higher difficulties earn more points. With these points we can purchase miniscule upgrades. Perhaps all major modules cost 1 less industry, or all heroes gain +1 speed, or all skills last 1 turn longer. This could be a kind of skill tree/web system to give us some more customization of our style. If this makes the game too easy, how about we have a highest difficulty that is essentially unbeatable without sheer luck if you don't have some of these upgrades and the upgrades ONLY affect this difficulty?

This gives us something to continually work on. I understand the endless mode can be similar to this, and perhaps we can allow for the points to be usable for that mode also. Anyways, I love the game but would just like some more things to keep me coming back once I beat it besides the occasional new hero or ship smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 2:09:43 PM
Or the upgrades could work both ways:

1 points allows you to adjust module cost by 1 either way.

To adjust the cost again you'd need another 2 points and another 3 on top of that for the third point. So 6 points would be a +-3 on module cost, but you could choose to make it easier or choose to make it even harder, creating your own custom difficulty setting. +10 points to start with an additional or one less hero for example. But making it so that penalties too are bought, so that the crowd that wants a really hard difficulty still gets to "achieve" unlocking that difficulty instead of being given "easy mode" rewards they aren't interested in.
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 6:52:40 PM
I don't see why that couldn't work, but in my mind I envision Too Hard (or whatever they call the mode I'm suggesting that can use these points) simply unbeatable without some of these points and a good bit of luck so I don't see why you would need to spend points to make it harder. Nonetheless, why not? More customization benefits the players.
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10 years ago
Jun 27, 2014, 3:26:49 AM
Just as I don't see why you would want to spend points on making something easier when there already is a Too Easy difficulty smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 27, 2014, 1:24:15 PM
Ah, but those points wouldn't be able to be used for anything other than the hardest difficulty so it wouldn't affect too easy! smiley: stickouttongue

All jesting aside, amplitude I think this could be a great idea to increase the longevity of the game!
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10 years ago
Jun 27, 2014, 5:19:10 PM
Yup. Totally agreed.
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