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Module Counter for Floating Green Crystal Ships

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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2014, 11:11:03 PM
These Floating Green Crystal Ships that attack minor modules with their pretty powerful AOE attack are hard to combat. They only way I can combat them thus far is to go pure hero focus, and while this works just fine, it seems unfair to have only one play style to be able to stop them. I've heard suggestions of making these enemies less powerful and even making their attack only focus fire at a single module as possible solutions, but I don't think this is the way to go as I never want the game to just be easy. Right now, 0.8.7, even with a Level IV LAN and 5 Tesla Modules in a single room you cannot prevent more than a few of these enemies. A module based counter is needed, IMO. Here's an idea:

If there was a minor module that made other modules in the room invisible/invulnerable to mobs for a few seconds at at time, I think it would be enough of a counter to suffice. How much time for each upgrade level, I'm not sure, but if it was like on/off switch where your modules could be invisible/invulnerable for a second or 2 at a time, it would be enough to keep them alive and able kill off these difficult enemies. I think this is better because you can balance the costs of this new module, including industry cost and number of available module slots per room, with its potential benefits during a game. Thus giving the player options, while still keeping the game challenging.

I'm not sure if you guys are still making new modules since you are actually in Beta phase, but I think it would be a nice solution without nerfing the heck out of these enemies.
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 3:20:22 AM
Brazilian_Joe wrote:
Use tesla. Tesla targets anti-module mobs first.

I tried this, but was not successful in killing them back in 0.8.5. I'll be giving it another shot and see what I can do to counter them. As for now, I've only been successful using my heroes.
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 10:50:11 AM
Heroes sure help, especially if they repair. The crystal mobs are really annoying, they can obliterate defenses very quickly. The LAN module helps durability. That smoker girl is the best minor module helper hero, she has several skills which synergize with them. Good at chokepoints. Also, if you build a strong industry, you can invest in the prisioner prod heavily and spam them. Even if they are destroyed, they are so cheap it won't hurt your economy.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 3:40:36 AM
The best strategy against those crystals is indeed hero focus - don't bother on create other active defenses. Save the industry and build TONS of HUDs + supressive firebots in the checkpoint.
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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 3:23:12 AM
Mmm... I'm with you on this one. Maybe not so keen on HUD (my research priorities lie elsewhere), but supressive fire definitely.
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10 years ago
Jul 24, 2014, 9:12:48 PM
Yeah, there definitely needs to be some sort of counter against module-targeting-mobs. In my opinion they are kind of overpowered right now, as you need to have a moderately strong hero in a room full of defense modules to prevent them from doing too much damage (which renders any room with modules in it but without a hero useless).
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