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Early Floor Room Hints

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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 3:54:51 PM

Some doors have hints or indicators as to what lies on the other side to either give players nudges towards things they need earlier in a floor (Dust, Artefacts) or to lure them into opening up sub-optimal pathways through greed. Or having certain heroes in your squad could have an affinity for indicating what lies on the other side of doors. This could also be limited to the first few turns or only those rooms within two doors of the crystal.


Artefacts are far more powerful when found earlier in a floor.

Poor Dust distribution can end a game rather randomly.

Thematically it wouldn't be unreasonable... perhaps it's nostalgia from older roguelikes as well so that's two themes it fits smiley: wink


- Doors guarding artefacts/dust have different symbols on top.

- Short quip and a symbol pop-up whenever a squad member detects traces of whatever is on the other side.
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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 4:09:45 PM
It's a good idea in early levels, but wouldn't it take a little to much risk out of the game?

Just my Opinion smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 4:28:28 PM
I am not sure it would be possible to do. As I understand it most things behind a door do not exist until you open the door:

The game calculates a dungeon and puts an exit in. Then, whenever you open a door, the game runs the probabilities of what event triggers, based on which floor you are on, what game mode, what difficulty. It does not know that there is a cryo pod before you open the door and you hit the X% chance of there having been a cryo pod.

It used to be that even the exit was calculated that way: after X doors, based on the floor you were on, each door you opened had a chance of spawning the exit, with the last door getting a 100% chance. This lead to the bug where, if opening two doors at the same time, you could trigger two exits. It also meant that people could leave doors close to the crystal room unopened, so as to open them last and force the exit to spawn near (and possibly even right next to) the crystal. So now the exit gets preplaced, the rest still is in shape of events.
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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 4:37:42 PM
Thats interessting smiley: smile but if it's like you say, this will not be possible to complete.

Sry for you Buddy smiley: alder
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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 4:45:52 PM
But They could higher the spawn chances of Dust and Artifacts at the beginning of the level, for the first or second door opened something like this. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Sep 13, 2014, 5:15:15 PM
Lukestyler95 wrote:
But They could higher the spawn chances of Dust and Artifacts at the beginning of the level, for the first or second door opened something like this. smiley: wink

Yup. That is deffinitly doable and I guess how some balancing between floors already works. But if it needs adjusting, that is for us to point out, right smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Sep 15, 2014, 10:55:42 AM

A quote from an old dev blog:

Mysterarts wrote:
Dynamic and Static Events

In the previous version, there were only dynamic events: what you found behind a door was generated when the door was opened and allowed us to control the floor difficulty.

In the next update, we are keeping the dynamic events and the difficulty variable but we are also adding static events, which are placed at the generation of the level to control the number and the depth position. That means for example that we can be sure that there are exactly 2 or 3 artifacts in level 7, placed mostly not too far from the first room. These static events are currently used for the exits, merchants, heroes and artifacts.

So yes, Artifacts (and Dust by the way) are more likely to be found in the rooms around the first one!
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