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Idea for new game mechanic "crystal modules"

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10 years ago
Sep 19, 2014, 8:07:14 PM
An idea for another type of item you can find down in the dungeon. Crystal modules are special items that you can pick up, bring to, and socket in your crystal room for various effects. The crystal room can only have equipped X(probably something low like 2 or 3 to avoid too much complexity) amount of modules at a time. Crystal modules give bonuses/special effects to non-hero elements like modules and rooms. I'll list a few ideas of my own to give you an idea.

Power router

At the start of a wave, any dust that isn't being used to power a room is translated into a cooldown reduction on all minor modules. X% faster cooldowns for every Y unused dust.

Shield relay

The crystal gains a weak damage absorbing shield that replenishes at the end of waves. Major modules gain a weaker version of this shield.

Hungry Spirit

Takes a little bit of your industry, science, or food each turn. In return it will eventually pop out an item of roughly the same value of the materials consumed.

Crystal Eye

Allows you to see past doors in rooms you've opened into the room behind them. May occasionally blink at the player.

You may be wondering, what happens when it's time to go to the next floor? Well any module that is being carried by a hero when you exit the floor is taken with you. So that means you can take a maximum of three modules with you to the next floor.

I haven't thought of a great way to prevent players from swapping out modules willy nilly or preemptively bringing them to the exit room before the crystal phase easily. But I was thinking that to discourage this, every time a crystal module is equiped/unequiped a wave is spawned.

TLDR; Devices from FTL for your crystal room

Anyway yeah, thoughts?
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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 12:29:51 PM

Nice idea! The uses of this "crystal module" seem a little bit too similar to the classic modules (and requires a new system, controls, UI etc.) but the principle to keep them floors after floors is interesting smiley: smile

I will add it in our list of community ideas!
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