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Auto-pause when a hero is critically injured

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10 years ago
Sep 25, 2014, 11:26:38 AM
Beginning with level 8 battles become tedious rather than fun, especially when you have to fight a lot in unpowered rooms protecting closed doors from rhino riders (or whatever they are). While hundreds of ghastly creatures die, you're sitting with your finger on spacebar, staring at health bars of your heroes and pressing "Space" over and over again in order to heal heavily injured ones, because a half-second delay may kill a character, even if there are tons of food in your stock. And losing a character at higher levels of the dungeon in most of the cases means the game is over.

Sometimes, 4-5 incoming waves of monsters imply that you won't be able to afford the luxury of looking at the dungeon without pressing the pause button until all attackers are dead.

DotE desperately needs an option allowing to turn on auto-pause when a hero is close to death. The lack of such option is the only big flaw of the great game in my opinion (current research system is too random, but the devs are working on it, aren't they?)
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10 years ago
Sep 25, 2014, 11:31:38 AM
My problem with auto-pause ( games that have it) is that it always kicks in just as I am pressing pause myself, so my pause unpauses the autopause and... you know smiley: smile

So yeah, option to - great. Forced? Will probably get me rage quitting smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Sep 26, 2014, 7:35:26 AM
Personally, I wouldn't want to see this system in the game, even as a toggle-able option. I think part of the masochistic fun of a rogue-like game is the fact that there's no safety nets in the game. Its an inherent aspect of the medium to maintain situational awareness when there's chaos all over the screen. I feel that it would cheapen the experience if I knew I could play the game knowing my heroes would never die because the game will go, "HEY, STOP! LOOK, THIS GUY IS ABOUT TO DIE!"

I feel like the option would be far more acceptable if the game didn't allow you to instantly heal the heroes, because if that were the case then your lack of awareness has probably already got them killed, but you MIGHT be able to save them. In DotE, if you have the food, and the game instantly paused, how could you ever possibly lose a hero?

Sorry, I missed this when I posted the above : " ...because a half-second delay may kill a character, even if there are tons of food in your stock. And losing a character at higher levels of the dungeon in most of the cases means the game is over." Honestly, I just feel that that is the genre.
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10 years ago
Sep 26, 2014, 9:09:31 AM

I wrote this on the topic:

Mysterarts wrote:
First of all, thank you all for sharing your opinion about this delicate question. In fact, there are still some discussions about this in the team smiley: wink

I don’t think that Auto-heal or Auto-pause are absurd, but here are some arguments why there are no plans to add them

  • Even if the core gameplay is focused on tactic, we added real time in the game to create this kind of situations and the stress associated. If the game was only about tough resource management choices (which is indeed very important), we would have done a turn based only game smiley: smile
  • As Unicron and boboanderson said, DotE is about placement and being prepared. If your heroes suddenly lose all their HPs, maybe you don’t use enough defenses or they are misplaced.
  • We want to give the feeling that the heroes are weak and can’t survive without power and defenses. With auto-heal, we lose that perception.

These arguments may be discussed but give you our vision about this question. I don’t say the current state of the game is perfect smiley: wink But we want to improve it rather by balancing and by adding more feedbacks if necessary.

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