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logo amplifiers simplified

UI layout

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10 years ago
Oct 6, 2014, 5:35:43 PM

I'm new in the forum, but have been playing DotE for some weeks now.

I have a suggestion in terms of ergonomics:

Place the Hero portraits, with their activating abilities on the bottom part of the screen. This allows a quick way to activate the abilities without having to press the character portrait so they drop down. Plus avoids having to travel with the mouse cursor all the way up, between characters and module construction menu.

See the red square in the picture please.

As for the map, I would have a mini map option, on the right of the hero hud, for quick access. See the blue outline on the picture please.

The dust counter could be very reduced. Take out that energy bar and place a number saying the dust available and the number of rooms you can lit.

Finally, I would place the event viewer on the top right corner.It's important but, on a second level, after the mini map. See the green on the picture, please.
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