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Suggestion: move inventory closer to the portraits

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10 years ago
Oct 4, 2014, 4:10:44 AM
Hi amplitude,

One thing that slightly bugged me from my first play, was the distance between the inventory and the character sheet.

inventory----------------------------------character sheet

e.g. When I try to check the modified stat (+/-) there's a break in my workflow (Yes I used the word work in a game smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />).

I have to look from far Left to far right. Which feels too distant and disconnected, when in fact these should be the closest to each other.

So my suggestion is:

When I click the ∨ icon: the inventory screen should appear right next to the character sheet.

But when I click the inventory icon, the inventory should appear in the original position, as it is right now in 0.9.22
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10 years ago
Oct 11, 2014, 8:45:16 PM
I noticed that it's quite far away myself. Would be nice for it to be a bit closer.
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10 years ago
Oct 11, 2014, 9:21:41 PM
Sounds like a good idea. It makes sense.
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10 years ago
Oct 12, 2014, 4:07:46 AM
@Mordaq, melkathi

Thanks for your opinionsmiley: approval

I think the designer doesn't want the inventory & character sheet to block the view, so both are positioned on each far end of the screen.

I'm certainly not complaining at the current design but an option to have both closer to each other would be good.
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