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Deepen the elevator mechanic [0.99]

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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 12:23:51 PM
Hi ! first of all, waouw, you did a great job with the game ! This last version brings some really neat stuffs, from the pod screen to the elevator dialogues, the game really has its core ! What I would like to suggest is to go deeper with the elevator-transition moment to improve both multi and single player by dialogue moments.

In multi : It should be possible for players to dialogue between each floor, using it as a pause, a moment to plan the next floor, review past mistakes, giving advice, etc. In other words, having a break. I found that sometimes the frenzy of the game is broken by some dialogues that could (/and should) be done before entering the level. Maybe allowing some item exchange there too ? Anyway that would really improve the immersion for us, having two separate moments, one speed and intense, another one specifically design for dialogue and preparation.

In the same spirit, a good use of this elevator moment in Single player mode could be the improvement of dialogues. As it is it's a bit frustrating, one or two catch phrase, it's not even a dialogue between characters. What I'd like to see is characters dialoging (without any controll on it) and see how this dialogue affect each other. A kind of sims interaction, with + and -. That way I'll see how the ones I choosed fit or do not fit together ! That could really improve the RP and maybe be used as a good base to develop the native-prisoners-guards relation ship.

This is an example based on the "very short movie" you made. The joke about "gork" (3'45) made by the professor Josh, let's say it is a random dialogue that comes with the professor, but may be applied to any players, not only Gork. So with gork, it ends up with a malus between them, they wont fight well together (could even be worse, like a persistant stat malus?). But, the same joke with golgy could end up with a good issue. The same with the endless joke "virtual or concrete ?" a malus with any native, a bonus with opbot, max, deena, etc. or the dna one, malus with any females human, bonus with any natives. Etc.

This are just toughts, and i'm sure you will come with something even greater smiley: smile the game is already really nice !!
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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 2:18:02 PM
In the same spirit, a good use of this elevator moment in Single player mode could be the improvement of dialogues. As it is it's a bit frustrating, one or two catch phrase, it's not even a dialogue between characters. What I'd like to see is characters dialoging (without any controll on it) and see how this dialogue affect each other. A kind of sims interaction, with + and -. That way I'll see how the ones I choosed fit or do not fit together ! That could really improve the RP and maybe be used as a good base to develop the native-prisoners-guards relation ship.

I don't know if it has been added to the game yet, but in the language file there are now multiples short stories, with dialogs between some characters that span multiple parts (for example, there is one between Skroig, Jolek and Troe with flirting involved). They also added a couple new skills that seem to be related to the conclusion of the stories.
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 1:57:30 PM
Hmmm, that's really interesting. I hope they will come with a real explanation about the mechanic behind characters affinities, and maybe some decisions about that.
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 2:15:26 PM
What explanation are you looking for?
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 2:34:48 PM

Thanks for these suggestions!

For the release, you’ll be able to discuss in a chat during the elevator screen, and yes, you will discover and follow some backstories between heroes during this time, with small gameplay effects smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 3:44:07 PM
I need to stop double posting like that or else people will figure out I am Mysterarts' troll account...

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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 7:48:23 PM
melkathi wrote:
I need to stop double posting like that or else people will figure out I am Mysterarts' troll account...


Let's pretend no one saw nothing smiley: wink

melkathi wrote:
What explanation are you looking for?

Hmmm, about any trust mechanic involved in the game (I believe there are some ?). I think I saw a passive ability saying something like "with friends in the same room" ? I was wondering how I could know if they are friends or not. I remember this thread : Here about a "trust mechanic" and this one "Here" about relationships and i'm really curious to know few things : is there any ? how does it works ? how far it goes ? how deep will it be ? etc. smiley: biggrin !

I know the developers are currently focusing on balancing the game before the launch, but if this idea of "trust" or "friend" or "native-wards-prisoner-relation" is kept, it will be a MAJOR improvement (as I see it), giving the game much more depth smiley: approval If it does, something like a screen representing the different characters and there relations should be accessible during the play... And the elevator moment the very way to improve those relations !!

EDIT : One thought : during the elevator, and maybe after the dialogues, passing the mouse over a hero will show different color strings (from green to red ?) = relation between the selected one and the others.

Mysterarts wrote:

Thanks for these suggestions!

For the release, you’ll be able to discuss in a chat during the elevator screen, and yes, you will discover and follow some backstories between heroes during this time, with small gameplay effects smiley: smile

Well, thank you for just reading and answering it !!! Amplitude is the best
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 10:30:50 PM
The "friends in same room" thing is related to the "factions". So the pack of dogs skill prisoners get requires other prisoners (people with the same skill).

The elevator will add something more personal for several characters it seems.
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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 9:46:11 AM
A brief comment on our narrative philosophy:

There is a fair amount of story and reference and backstory and lore and all kinds of stuff thrown into DotE. However, we applied the heartless rules of the rogue-like to these elements as well -- in other words, if you want to get all the stories you'll have to try a lot of things and die a lot smiley: wink We're hoping that the players take this difficulty in the spirit of the genre.

Mobyduck wrote:
"...in the language file there are now multiples short stories, with dialogs between some characters that span multiple parts..."

Hey! That's cheating!
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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 9:54:27 AM
Slowhands wrote:

Hey! That's cheating!

Think of it as proof reading :P
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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 2:29:28 PM
Slowhands wrote:
However, we applied the heartless rules of the rogue-like to these elements as well -- in other words, if you want to get all the stories you'll have to try a lot of things and die a lot smiley: wink

That's cruel !! Oo

What about trust mechanic ?
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