These guys really suck. Why? 1> They kill your heros instantly (no not literally but the damage they do they might as @#$#@ well). They are way out of depth in terms of difficulty and lastly there is virtually nothing you can do about them. You get enemy stacks so you really can't see that they're even there and if your hero happens to be there when they blow up they just die. It's not fun, it's not really counterable except maybe a long line of modules designed to bait and kill them, but the problem isn't that they exist it's this:

They exist out of #@$@# depth (I'm kind of pissed about them if you havn't guessed). At the time you would need to build a long sequence of stuff to prevent these things from killing you, you shouldn't have to otherwise build that much defense. In other words, everything else you can take except MAYBE an enemy will explore and -literally- one shot you. Because I'm baseically at full health when this happens. Scratch that, full health with defense raising mods. Do these things ignore armor and do 1000 damage? It's ridic. Maybe it's an exploding enemy chain but regardless, it sucks. I hate 2 level 3 dust modules stacked (what's that 120% defense) plus a level five hero in the 4th or 5th floor die to one of these from full health.

Actually it is the singular most common way for my game to be screwed up. So I can play super safe and just build a stupid lot of defense just in case one of these comes, or cross my fingers that they don't. Since a great many of the heros are melee and you know, die to the imstantly. I'm not even kidding, nerf this crap.

So After playing with this a little longer I realize that I'm mostly wrong. The stacks do make it hard to determine if there is an exploding enemy, but actually properly preparing makes these guys no big deal at all. Damage values aside (maybe worth consideration). Ultimately I was just being a noob.