So, my last attemp was a victory and just seemed so much more easier.

My previous attempts had HORDES coming with several fat guys together. I will admit that i foolishly had a melee with "me first", but those waves were crazy. Honestly, i figured my heroes would focus the guys that could clear the whole freaking room first.. i had a lot of freaking damage even so never thought it a problem. I was lucking out on freaking everything.

My last attempt it was easier handling the mobs, I don't think i even needed "me first". I was finding the exit by at least 2nd direction took. I even lost Gork due to: (spoilers), and still walked through the floors.

Regardless of the error/errors i made on my attempts, i really noticed a huge difference with how luck played out (luck on just about everything). Preperation and risks past taken just didn't seem to play much at the end floors, due to just having to be lucky with a few things.

Things were said to be balanced, but i find the heroes still having some more dominate heroes then others. Of course, i find the floors/mobs need of some better tweaking. I'm not asking for the game to get easier, i would expect difficulty brought back up after tweaks to some mobs or removing at lot of the luck for end floors.

Another thing is melee vs ranged. Melee just takes damage you don't need to take, they don't seem to give anything in return (fixed if you finally get a ranged with "me first"). It was suggested long ago and i still suggest it, but with something more. So here is what i think should be happening, cause melee needs to stop being shafted in every game.

-Swords: Cleave, 24% AoE damage, short range). Focus on special, basic mobs.

-Spears: Focus on Special, anti-Hero.

-Hand gun: Focus on Special, anti-hero.

-Machine gun: Larger aoe then swords, but weak(8%). Focus is anti-module, basic, special.

-Martial Arts: Focus is Special, anti-module, anti hero.

Well, it makes sense if they would focus biggest threats: Special> anti mods> Crystal attackers. Perhaps bonus damage instead. Also, special mobs need some tweaking as is, so .....

Well, if you can switch yourself to what mob type your heroes target... then a lot is solved. Perhaps a priority list?