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Balance issue : Infirmary + stationary boss monsters + no hp regen module

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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 7:11:19 PM
When using the infirmary it seems the health regeneration module is not available. Bug or design decision?

This causes a huge balance issue when dealing with those stationary bosses that do splash damage to all heroes. It causes a big drain on food consumption to heal. And since we can get as many as 5-6 of those stationary bosses every wave, and we can't heal through modules, the food consumption skyrockets way high compared to a normal run.

Keep in mind those monsters appear as soon as level 9, so the spike in food consumption goes for 4 levels / 100 waves on average.
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 6:21:03 PM

You should not find this monster with the Infirmary Pod. If it's the case, it's a bug!
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 9:50:29 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
Thanks for the report, I will check that smiley: approval

Not this time of the night. You need rest between working on DotE :P
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 10:37:21 PM
It is sometime around midnight in France. And good programmers work at night, like batman. smiley: smile
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