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My Suggestions for Improving the Release Build. Multiplayer & UI suggestions.

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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 12:05:09 PM
Multiplayer needs

-reconnect button (i was disconnected due to network and couldn't rejoin) (Endless Legend has this problem fixed, so i am fairly disapointed DotE doesn't have it also)

-needs trading items (just like u can do with resources)
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 12:29:05 PM
Keterei wrote:
-Everyone should be able to heal each other if they want to. This ties into allowing different people to manage resources, where one person could be managing food, and act as the healer.

-Map pings to alert your team members of different things, with an audio alert and a visual indication that will linger for an amount of time. This would really help with team work and bringing things to people's attention. They could be made as a caution triangle with a ! inside, hovering over a room. They could be colored to match the character or player who placed it.

These would nicely address the big issue of the "Operator" having nothing to do. Remote healing duty and tactical markers would be neat for a character standing back.
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 9:44:55 PM
Zayeban wrote:
Multiplayer needs

-reconnect button (i was disconnected due to network and couldn't rejoin) (Endless Legend has this problem fixed, so i am fairly disapointed DotE doesn't have it also)

-needs trading items (just like u can do with resources)

Ah yes, a reconnect button is a great idea.

Perhaps even a list of your steam friends' games with the option of joining in if there are not four players, or perhaps allowing more than four people to spectate your game without the option to recruit a hero. That would be really cool.

Mysterarts wrote:

Thanks for your feedback smiley: smile

Here are the list of the community about multiplayer mode: /#/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/48-archives/thread/17847-g2g-community-feedback-on-multiplayer

And solo mode: /#/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/47-game-design/thread/17839-g2g-amplitude-s-list-of-community-feedback

I will add soon your new suggestions!

Thank you for your consideration!
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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 12:51:52 AM
I noticed that in the list of multiplayer suggestions you refer to the ping suggestion as showing the players bandwidth strength. I'm suggesting more of an in-game visual notification as a 'ping' however. Just want to make that distinction.
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