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Multiplayer is great, please fix!

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10 years ago
Nov 2, 2014, 11:17:25 PM
I love that the feature was added and that is why I bought it. But there are (big) problems:

* No way to connect or reconnect to a game in progress.

* No save/resume on a 3-5 hour campaign.

* Shop bugs.

* No item trading between heroes.
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10 years ago
Nov 3, 2014, 1:21:54 AM
The most frustrating thing is LAG. Finally you get a nice group to play with, but there is no single time that someone or me, didn't lose connection.

It ruin the experience of Multy, and there is no way to recuperate people.

I should add as well:

*Closed Multiplayer session (for when you play with your friend in peace)

*Show ping of open multiplayer game (so you know at least who is hosting if has good or bad connection to play with)
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