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Multiplayer - Shared research

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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 2:07:04 PM
Basically what the title says.

Currently the only way to make it work as in single player is to give all the science to one player, who'll get to do all the research and all the building. But then, if he leaves or gets disconnected, the entire team is screwed, since they'll have nothing researched at all.

So, sharing the research progress would help deal with the leavers and disconnections, as well as fix this flaw in gameplay (cause ye, one guy gets to do everything while the others just walk around, it is kind of a flaw)
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10 years ago
Nov 2, 2014, 6:18:41 PM
I support this decision. It's really frustrating when a player gets kicked in game and we'd have to remake. Maybe when a player quits/disconnected, the resources should be passed to the host? So that way no resources would be lost. Just a thought.
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10 years ago
Nov 3, 2014, 10:50:53 AM

We will work on a solution to improve that, thanks for the feedback smiley: smile
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