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My issues with multiplayer

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 11:36:44 PM
DotE has the potential to be a great little coop game, and I'm really happy you pushed to include a coop mode, but several MP issues are holding it back currently.

- The biggest issue, and already on the fix-list, is the massive disconnection issues. I have all but one hero unlocked (solely in MP) and I've only finished one full game. And that is personal friends of mine determined to stick around, not randoms. Your network code needs to a lot more robust when it comes to what causes it to drop people from games. It wouldn't be such a problem if you had a reconnection feature but I'm sure that's no simple task to implement.

- No item trading. Selling/buying is a clumsy workaround. In the works I know, just mentioning it for completeness.

- Unlocking heroes in MP. If you are playing 4-player coop, NOONE WILL EVER UNLOCK ANY HEROES! This really needs to be improved, progression is no small part of player's motivation to play your game over whatever else they have in their steam library. If you ever implement a hero-swapping feature that could solve that, but that would feel like a really cheap way to unlock heroes to be honest. I have zero desire to play single player to unlock heroes, coop is the only reason I own the game. I don't really have any great suggestions for better ways to solve that.

- Shared research. People who play with randoms surely want this and I'm sure you're working on it, but since I only play with people I know I have no problem having one person do the building/researching. And honestly it is rare you can afford to wait with research until each person has enough to do their individual research, necessitating transfer/communication anyway. Not to mention you can't really move operator heroes usually to research etc (which also is a really boring mechanic in MP when you only have one hero). However you need a better way to transfer resources. Each of the industry/research/food categories need a checkbox to send all enabled resources to person X every time a that resource is > 0. Having to +5 +1 +1 +1 +1 etc each damn turn is infuriating. Once you have both of these everybody should be happy, but like I said, shared research is completly pointless for a player like me. Maybe the resource transfer menu could have three checkboxes at the end of each player line, each for enabling/disabling the sending of one of the resources automatically to that person.

Another solution could be to have completely shared resources as well but that would likely cause chaos with food distribution. I think this might be my biggest peeve after the disconnects.

- Another small issue, private games, it's not good for either joiner or host atm with randoms popping in without restriction and forcing me to kick them.
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