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New Starting Pod Idea

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10 years ago
Nov 15, 2014, 9:49:12 AM
My idea for a new pod involves a timer between waves instead of waves occurring on a turn basis per doors.

I was curious about the actual usefulness of the pause button because I don't ever feel the need to use it myself, since the game is technically turn-based between waves.

If there was a game-mode (escape pod) where a set timer counts down between waves, this would make the pause button have a purpose, and make for a fun, fast-paced, and challenging new way to play the game. Especially if your goal is to complete the game without pausing.

The timer could decrease and the amount of doors that open at once per wave could increase as you reach higher floors to reflect the difficulty of those floors.

Maybe there could be resource bonuses so that the gamemode is balanced, as well as perhaps inherent speed buffs for all characters.

Maybe you could call the pod the Athletic quarters, like that part of the main ship everyone came from was the exercise area, and just so happened to also be an emergency escape pod! Ha I think that would be funny, and also give a reason for the game being fast-paced.

What do you think?
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10 years ago
Nov 15, 2014, 12:40:37 PM
You don't pause? I frequently pause-unpause to see who I need to heal. Also, plenty of new pod ideas in the DLC ideas thread.
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