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Warning messages

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10 years ago
Nov 16, 2014, 7:38:38 PM
I get that this is a rogue-like and it's supposed to be unforgiving, but I think some warning messages are needed. If I think all of my heroes are in the elevator and click 'exit' before my brain has registered the color of the button, I'd like a warning: "A hero is still outside the elevator. Are you sure?" And could we please, please either have some kind of warning when moving heroes away from modules they're operating, or maybe just a feature that one needs to click twice in order to move them? Too much unnecessary frustration.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 9:46:26 AM
I agree on both. I actually lost a hero by clicking too early once or twice when the escape was getting messy, and lost the operate boost by accident too many times to count. In fact I think they should be able to move around freely without losing the boost as long as they return to the module before you open another door.

In addition, some resource refund on modules if you scrap them right after building them by accident would be nice.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 9:51:07 AM
I disagree on the elevator thing. How much more obvious can it become than that huge button that states how many heroes are at the exit?

As far as the operating hero goes, I'd like them to be able to return to the module as long as the next door hasn't opened and they haven't been in combat. But when I quickly need them to help out another hero defending a different room, I don't need to be hindered by some extra confirmation.
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 2:35:36 PM
melkathi wrote:
As far as the operating hero goes, I'd like them to be able to return to the module as long as the next door hasn't opened and they haven't been in combat.

That probably gets tricky when they're in combat inside the room their operating in, but assuming it can be/is done, it should probably also include actions like repairing - operators shouldn't be able to run around and fix every room, then go back to operating like they never left.

And as for the elevator, I lost one character by clicking a bit too early, but ever since then I've paid a bit more attention and it never happened again. More importantly though, if you were going to put in any form of confirmation, it really should pause the game too otherwise if it's close you'd easily lose a character or the game. But then again, pausing the game there would be really annoying for anyone who wasn't in danger. Not to mention potentially doing very bad things where pausing was disabled (depending on how pausing is actually implemented).
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 3:19:09 AM
I don't really like these ideas.

I admit it's frustrating to accidentally move your operators away from keyboard so to speak, but it feels to me like just another reason to be careful.

if you have the pause function enabled then there is no reason you can't pause before implementing movements with your adventurers...

and if you don't, then one can just consider it another skill to learn. keeping track of your potential 4 people.

But if it is easy to implement - I wouldn't know - then perhaps it could be an option.

while I believe I wouldn't use such a feature myself if it was an option, I don't see why others couldn't.

then again - you could just as well add a function where the elevator started as soon as all heroes on the floor had entered automatically, and that might not be good.

or a timer... 30 sec 'till takeoff. he he.
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 7:38:34 AM
I disagree with warnings for operating. Imagine the much more important situation where you really have to move them away as reinforcements during critical situations. Having to click away a warning might take too much time. It would be better to give an option to 'lock' heroes inside a room, so you need to for example ctrl + right click to move them out of the room again (i.e. unlock them).
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