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Research in MP, we have a problem here!

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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 2:08:56 PM
Hi there, after i tryed some MP games in this game, here is my feedback

I wont complain about the mess of item trading, you are already aware about it and other players asked already.

Same for the save issue

The other big problem i met was about research, so the researchs are individual, wich mean if someone research for tier 2 replicators, only him can build them, other people wont be able to build it.

So what it means? one guy has to make ALL the researchs and then he has to build everything, that's a bit annoying because the ressources are spared and then you have to give him all your industry and research points every turn.

What is the point to research 4 time for replicators 2 then everyone can build it?

So what i would recomend, would be to share the research for the team! Its seems very basic but it's more logic.

Then someone can focus on the research, an other one can focus on buildings, etc..

Actualy the same guy has to do everything, and other guys are just giving ressources and fighting..

I guess you are already aware about this science problem but for me the MP isnt very playable for a long and hard game without this basic feature (you can but it's very anoying)

Also what about making industry and science shared, and only food individual?

Then we don't have to give it every turn to the builder/scientist
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 12:03:49 AM
the problem could come with shops though.

of course, you're meant to cooperate, but each player should have the same chance to level up, build, research ect.

naturally it makes no sense to double the research, and to plan every room as what to build or not might be tedious...

but perhaps that's part of mp.

but what if all players shared industry and science, and then had , say a sword as the weapon of choice. now the salesman they meet uses industry as a currency

and you really should build that defense module... but the guy sells this awesome sword and... your partner buys it. leaving none for you, and no industry

for the module you planned.

well, this could happen, and it's not the end of the world until you realize your character could have a lot more use for it since you're the one who runs ahead fighting all the time... if only your builder was more logical, and if only.... item exchange between players were possible...


but really, this is just the other side of the coin, and which problems are worse is not something I can tell without trying both models.

(All I know now is that it's annoying to not have the same blueprints.)
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 8:22:11 AM
I see what you mean, people should be able to build and research on they own, thats why they want separate ressources.

But actualy the only way to play seriously in MP, without wiping too early, is to give all to the same guy.. because lets say the modules cost 30 or 40 ind, if all have like 15, then you have to gather it to build it, or you just cant, so you have to give it all to the same player everytime you want to do something, so its even worse than the bad side of my idea (wich can be solved with some communication).

Just imagine playing i solo with 4 heroes, and every heroes has personal ressources, then you have to transfer it every turn to the same guy to build anything, it would be very annoying.

Thats what you have to do in MP actualy, and its even worse because you have to communicate A LOT to give ressources to the guy who needs it every turns and to know how much the team has.

80% of your time is made of tiping things like "i need 7 more ind", "i gave you all", "i have 4 left" etc etc...

If you share industry and science, you dont have to gather ressource everytime you want to build or research something, wich make it a lot less annoying, and also every one can be involved in it, all you need is communication (and you need it anyway..).

The actual system of separates ressources is very personal, wich is nonsence in a game where you need a lot of cooperation and to share everything..

I mean, we already have a hard job about communicating with other people to know what we should build, wich door opens, what research launch, where heros should stay etc...

So PLEASE, dont make it more complicated than solo about ressources, because it's actualy a nightmare if you want to play smart, even in first floors (i dont want to think what it would be in 10+ floors).
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