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SUGGESTION: Dice system for chests in MP

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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 2:06:47 PM
So actualy there is something a bit frustrating when you play in MP, the guy who open a chest always get the items (and they can't trade after, but it may be fixed soon)

But when you have a balanced team and the game begin to be hard, usually the fastest or tankyest character go open all doors and loot everything, so he gets all items.. While characters with wisdom and operating skill have to stay on a module and the team may lose ressources if he has to open the chests to get some items.

What about a dice system, where you have the choice to roll or not, every time someone opens a chest (it may apply to science/indus/food chests too as well)

Let's say you are 3 in the team, 1 guy with full stuff and 2 other where missing parts like armor or weapons, it would sounds as a good idea if the guy who already has full stuff can say "no" to the dice, then only characters who are in the need will dice it.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 12:09:09 AM
indeed. but as far as weapons go, there is still a pretty good chance to get the wrong type of weapon.

though I guess you could sell it and what not.

perhaps this is a balance thing?

since when you play single, you only have room for 4 extra items when changing floor -

but multi-player has the space of up to 16 items.

I think.... I've only ever played with one or two others at the same time - and haven't really paid attention.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 8:06:40 AM
Actualy i played different MP games with 3-4 (random) players, and yeah you are true we have 16 slots instead of 4 when you change floor, but it didn't ever matter because usually you die before floor 3-4 or if eventually you go more far, first one to DC is kicked and can't come back again (after a 3-4 hours games its very annoying)..

But there is a way to solve it, juste make the these 4 slots shared with the team, then you have 4 slots instead of 16 (wich is more balanced) and also you have a way to trade.

But anyway, if i ask for a dice, it's because its always the same people who get almost all the chests.

I know than you can open a door and then go back and think about who should loot the chest, but if you expect people to act like it in MP you are going to have hard time lol.

Anyway the heroes who needs to stay on a module and operate shouldnt have to move, but if they dont, they never get anything.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 9:59:17 AM
that I think - a shared bag - is the easiest way to trade items.

and I can sort of see why a dice system would make it more interesting.

my concerns about it would mainly be these,

do the operators really need items? (and quite often the answer is yes)

the current system is so logical - that to add the dice system would be strange. what mechanics could possibly allow a random player to get the contents of a room when they might very well be on the other side of the level?

- this in fact made me think of something... what if there where two types of chests?

the regular ones, open it and get the goods

and the odd one out - make a skill check (or dice or whatever)

this would only be viable in multi player mode, but none the less. you could make up some kind of technology that would make it sensible.

on the other hand - if you did you could just as well make all chests like that.

*sight* I'll just have to admit hat you have a point. arguing with yourself is tiring.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 1:01:38 PM
Personally, I despise dice systems for loot. When you're playing with randoms, it can make every chest you don't get an item from feel like either a massive disappointment or insanely annoying because it feels like the game is cheating you out of loot. On the other hand, if you're playing with people you know, it's entirely pointless because you're going to share your items in whatever way you want anyways.

Granted, the current situation is bad, and a dice system would make it marginally better. But in my opinion, once item trading is in the game, a dice system would be completely necessary, and for some annoying. Then again, if it's another one of those trendy multiplayer options which they're totally adding in along with auto-resource-sharing and passwording, there's no harm in that smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 8:04:37 PM
or simply have Chests not auto loot. that way when the party finds a chest room they can talk it over before clicking accept on the chest open.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 10:58:32 PM
Personally I want it to be the same as single player... You loot the chest, it goes into the party inventory (which is max 4, not 4*# of players). No dice roll required, and the balance is closer to single player.
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 3:39:47 AM
you know... when you write down all these ideas that sounds so easy and obvious. I feel a bit silly smiley: smile

not that I mind just. he he he. It would be rather good if it like any of those ideas.
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 8:41:58 AM
Obviously we don't need dice if we have a proper trade system of shared inventory, i though about it because i was bored of people picking fast character and looting everything
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 10:55:01 AM

Shared inventory will be the first feature after the stability improvements smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 9:56:44 PM
yay, and then problems are all in the future past. (as in, today but hopefully not tomorrow or whenever they manage to stabilize it.)

either way, happy news.
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