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EMP shielding device

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10 years ago
Nov 19, 2014, 1:33:57 PM
At some point at the game EMP traps can be accidentally triggered by opening doors. As this event shuts down all turrets (for minimum one round) and yet cannot be suppressed, it can be very demoralizing as you may lose your major defense.

I suggest to implement a module that can be placed on a turret slot which shields all modules in the same room from the EMP event.

Maybe different stages of this device could extend it's range to adjacent rooms or it's cool down time after a EMP.
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10 years ago
Nov 19, 2014, 2:10:05 PM
I'm not sure how easy to balance an anti-EMP module would be. I mean, as a minor module, it's taking up yet another slot which there's already a lot of possibilities for, and you would have to build one in a lot of rooms to make much difference in later levels (if you're doing any kind of turret-heavy strategy). As a major module, that means it cant protect other major modules, unless it affects multiple rooms, but then the cost starts becoming tricky... I dunno, maybe it would work, and I would definitely prefer it to the current no way to avoid, deal with or counter issue.

But personally, I'd rather something a bit more flexible. Maybe something like operators, rather than being kicked off EMP'd modules, will work towards removing the EMP for that room? 10 wit = 1 turn reduced effect? With modules, you would basically have to anticipate the EMP and build them before hand, but with operators you would get the choice between moving someone already operating to re-activate a disabled defence room etc.

On a side note, maybe a future character with a passive which interacts with EMP? smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 3:42:28 PM
Emp protection is a must. This event is potentially game ending. In latter levels, where it appears, you are left with fewer redundancy options. Because emp occurs WHEN A DOOR OPENS and monsters spawn, you also do not really have a chance to adjust to the sudden change. I think as it stands emp has the potential to be almost harmless or kill you instantly and that's broken. I appreciate difficulty and I appreciate the randomness of roguelikes, but I do not appreciate a dice roll that can end your game no matter how well or careful you are playing.

We either need a module, or the ability to rebuild emp'd devices to remove the effect. A character skill is not good enough unless it's granted by a relatively common item or if it piggybacks on a common skill like repair or operate.

Another option could be just nerf emp, but something has to be done.
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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 6:59:04 PM
supified wrote:
Because emp occurs WHEN A DOOR OPENS and monsters spawn, you also do not really have a chance to adjust to the sudden change.

I'm pretty sure EMP is on the list of the events that never trigger monster spawning. So, when EMP occurs, you actually have a chance to reorganize your defense not being in a hurry.
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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 7:11:55 PM
Vicarious wrote:
I'm pretty sure EMP is on the list of the events that never trigger monster spawning. So, when EMP occurs, you actually have a chance to reorganize your defense not being in a hurry.

This is good to know. I still think EMP's can be devastating, but this reduces the ways in which it could be a big problem.
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10 years ago
Nov 27, 2014, 8:52:13 PM
Are there any monsters that is affected by EMP in a negative way? such as changing their path or slowing down in affected rooms ect.
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10 years ago
Nov 27, 2014, 10:06:46 PM
EMPs are only a major pain when they hit your choke point room and you're already stressed for dust. I just had that happen in the level I was playing and tried bulldozing the minor mods and rebuilding them to see if there was a difference. The room powered back on the next turn, and I think that was a coincidence, but nonetheless this sorta behaviour could be a balance option. Or adjusting which rooms are targeted so as to not be too evil. I wouldn't waste a slot on it though. An equip that negated an EMP the character was standing in would be interesting.

I haven't lost due to an EMP yet so I don't think they're OP. Others?
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 11:23:08 PM
Or maybe the addition of an item that grants a passive ability to repair an EMP damaged room with an operate, and that does not grant the ability to operate.

That way you can only fix 1 EMP struck room per item and only with a hero that has operate already available to it (innately/item).

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