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Multiplayer: Full Starting Roster With Less Than 4 Players

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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 12:23:30 AM
What I mean to say is, that in a multiplayer session, you should be able to start with 4 heroes (on ships that support it) with less than 4 players.

The host should have the option to assign empty character slots to it's self or to another player.

For example, the Armory Pod on multiplayer... It states that no additional heroes will appear in the dungeon, that having been said, you are playing at a huge disadvantage in a multiplayer game without 4 people on that pod. I've been enjoying DotE with a friend of mine, and waiting around in hopes of 2 extra players joining is unreliable. So I suggest this feature in hopes of alleviating some of the shortcomings of playing with less than 4 people.
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 9:20:33 AM

The difficulty depends on the number of players: for instance, the number of creatures is reduced in the first floors if you are only 2 players!
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 10:30:54 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

The difficulty depends on the number of players: for instance, the number of creatures is reduced in the first floors if you are only 2 players!

But not all floors?

EndlessRunner wrote:
I'd also like to have the +15 ind/sci/food that the 3rd/4th player starts off with...

Be constructive or don't bother with a reply, as I've suggested no such thing.
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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 3:34:57 PM
Agasutin wrote:
But not all floors?

You are supposed to meet heroes during your progression, I think that's why they lower it only on first floors.

If you reduce it for all dungeon and then you meet 2 more characters, then it's easier than it should.

But i join in your suggestion you for the armory pod, you can't meet more heroes so you may be able to start it with 4 characters even with 2 players.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 9:02:35 PM
Dantou wrote:
You are supposed to meet heroes during your progression, I think that's why they lower it only on first floors.

If you reduce it for all dungeon and then you meet 2 more characters, then it's easier than it should.

I understand that much and agree, more heroes should increase difficulty.

Dantou wrote:
But i join in your suggestion you for the armory pod, you can't meet more heroes so you may be able to start it with 4 characters even with 2 players.

It's a situation such as the Armory Pod that got me to suggest this, who knows if other pods later down the line will be implemented that have a similar restriction, I would be nice to have such a feature with only 2-3 players available at the time.
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