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Show characters abilities when multiple characters selected.

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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 4:30:14 PM
All is in the title, I was wondering why the abilities weren't visible if you have more than 1 character selected?

I guess it's to avoid confusion with the key shortcuts, but I'm mostly playing with 2 squads of 2 and I wish I could launch abilities with a single clic on the UI, without having to change my selection first.

The rest of the game is fresh and awesome, félicitations!
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:30:25 PM
I too would like to see the active abilities of multiple characters, maybe as a UI option to always have them visible as smaller icons under their portraits, so that it would not take too much of your screen's real-estate.
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10 years ago
Dec 8, 2014, 2:52:05 PM
It would not work because it simply would not fit the screen: some heroes may have up to two active skills, which is more than what the GUI can hold. And unfortunately, changing this is not a priority.
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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 10:43:36 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
It would not work because it simply would not fit the screen: some heroes may have up to two active skills, which is more than what the GUI can hold. And unfortunately, changing this is not a priority.

Stack abilities vertically.

Still enjoying the game a lot BTW.
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