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So I tryed sanitary pod in easy mode, i just felt like this is the real game

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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 9:07:11 PM
First i want to say than the drill mod is a very cool concept, but the fact than the heroes can't go more than lvl 15, and also than i made all research complete after floors 17-18 made the last ones very boring. I was just stacking Industry and Lot of + %atck big modules and making a big room for fighting, it was a bit repetitive. Also the fun of opening door was totally gone because i was already full of ressources and high tier items.

Maybe you plan to add some late game to make this pod better after floors 15+, because i think it has a really great potential.

So about the sanitary:

I tryed it in easy mode with random characters (yeah i go the hard way), and then what hapened?

A very tough game, where every room has big impact on the game, and every single one was making me think about the best options.

you are short about every ressources, you need to save everything.

Opening doors made me feel a lot more of intensity, because every random event can change all the game with this difficulty.

Actualy i didnt go more than lvl 2 (well i tryed lonly 3-4 times)

In fact i just felt what people should feel in a pure rogue-like game, every decision can make you lose the game, and also every game is very unique.

Thats why i go 2x random chars, im playing a totaly different game at every try, and i love the need of adaptation of random team.

Add to that than the firsts research available can radicaly change your way to progress in the game.

Also the very high difficulty makes the final goal a lot more far and then motivates me to practise the game a lot more and finally maybe gets the wining team.

So in my opinion you should make it easier to unlock it, because i was just at the point to change game when i was geting to lvl 24 drill pod. Was a bit boring at the end, and now i really enjoy the game again, and for infinite amount of games.

Also i think the "no pause" malus is a bit too much, its not a big problem at start but if i go a bit more far and i get more than 2 heroes, i wont be able to multitask fast enought.

Your char can die in 4-5 shots if you dont care, in my opinion you should be able to pause because the difficulty is more about decision making than multitasking speed in a roguelike game, and i guess it's what you want the game to be: tough decision making game.

Actualy the adition of harder mobs, less ressources, less big modules spots, more bad events etc.. make it very very tough, no need to make it "no pause" it's very hardcore already.

PS: Almost got to floor 4! i had a -30% moving speed from a stele, and then my faster hero had 5 move speed carrying the crystal xD

i went very lucky on this run, met 2 heroes, found a good weapon for my dps and had also good armors, but still very hard !
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10 years ago
Dec 10, 2014, 3:47:59 AM
No pausing might make it extremely difficult, but it also significantly raises the skill ceiling. It's still a tough decision making game; the player is forced to account for what he can and can't micromanage before he opens a door.
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10 years ago
Dec 10, 2014, 10:24:01 AM
I found the hardest floors were 6-9. The last floors are pure luck of getting dust and finding the exit quickly. A starting room with only two exits helps a lot. You have a 50% chance of going in the right direction.

Neurostun modules are your friend.
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 7:21:32 PM
Dantou wrote:
Also i think the "no pause" malus is a bit too much, its not a big problem at start but if i go a bit more far and i get more than 2 heroes, i wont be able to multitask fast enought.

Your char can die in 4-5 shots if you dont care, in my opinion you should be able to pause because the difficulty is more about decision making than multitasking speed in a roguelike game, and i guess it's what you want the game to be: tough decision making game.

Actualy the adition of harder mobs, less ressources, less big modules spots, more bad events etc.. make it very very tough, no need to make it "no pause" it's very hardcore already.

Totally agree with your opinion on the ommision of pausing.

I have just done a Drilling Pod run where I tried not to pause as 'preparation' for the eventual Sanitary Pod run.

The times I would have lost characters had I not paused were about 5-6. Not pausing changes the game drastically.

I like a hard gameplay experience, but to me it is an essential and core mechanic to be able to pause in the midst of combat.

Knowledge and skill come into play with the depth of the gameplay already. I'd prefer raised difficulty in resource/character management than in my skill to quickly switch between characters and mash skill+heal+reset cooldown buttons.
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