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Multiplayer gamemode and feature

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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 9:16:58 PM
let's go to the main topic

  • Peer to Peer options (without going to lobby) / direct IP (like Risk of Rain) (reduce disconnected due "connection to server lost")
  • Private Lobby (Public Lobby with password) that still connected to server list
  • Multiplayer options, like kick in game, save (like CIV V), drop in-game, friend list filtering (only friend can join)
  • Resource Monitor (each player shown in the HUD, no need to ask via chat / voice "how many resource you've got"
  • For those who get "Crashed" when doing some CO-OP, his/her stats saved to the "Host" and attached to their Steam64ID (for example), so they can drop-in without worries lost their LV, Resource and EQ, to avoid bug let say "there is time limit to rejoin" to avoid loss stats (this can be achieved via autosave mode later, interval 1 > A = Exist, interval 2 > A = Null > Delete the Stats, or something like that (i know it will be complex))

i know some of them already on community choice (i read them)

it just suggestion smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" /> personally from me, this game absolutely FUN with CO-OP smiley: biggrin (even it took several hours to finish one game)

and i know some my suggestion is hard to accomplish, and some needed to tweak the steam api, no forcing but it would be AWESOME if you can

make this happens.

anyway love your games Dev \>.</
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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 10:19:21 PM
I'm not so technically inclined as to understand what all of this means - but what I do understand sounds interesting.

but I have to ask....

you can rejoin a game?!

you mean to say I might not have had to restart when I lost connection on level 11... (which was frustrating.)

well - you learn something everyday I guess. now I just have to learn how.
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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 12:36:53 AM
Rancor wrote:
I'm not so technically inclined as to understand what all of this means - but what I do understand sounds interesting.

but I have to ask....

you can rejoin a game?!

you mean to say I might not have had to restart when I lost connection on level 11... (which was frustrating.)

well - you learn something everyday I guess. now I just have to learn how.

as for current release, nope

that's why i put it on my suggestion list, well just imagine playing 4 player coop and 2 of them DC in the 8+ floor ;_; (yeah i know it was frustrating)
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10 years ago
Dec 24, 2014, 4:09:00 AM
rie_zel wrote:
let's go to the main topic

  • Peer to Peer options (without going to lobby) / direct IP (like Risk of Rain) (reduce disconnected due "connection to server lost")
  • Private Lobby (Public Lobby with password) that still connected to server list
  • Multiplayer options, like kick in game, save (like CIV V), drop in-game, friend list filtering (only friend can join)
  • Resource Monitor (each player shown in the HUD, no need to ask via chat / voice "how many resource you've got"
  • For those who get "Crashed" when doing some CO-OP, his/her stats saved to the "Host" and attached to their Steam64ID (for example), so they can drop-in without worries lost their LV, Resource and EQ, to avoid bug let say "there is time limit to rejoin" to avoid loss stats (this can be achieved via autosave mode later, interval 1 > A = Exist, interval 2 > A = Null > Delete the Stats, or something like that (i know it will be complex))

Yes, yes ! smiley: smile
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