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The Custom Pod

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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 8:22:55 AM
Before I begin, apologies if this has already been suggested...

So far, in both single and multiplayer, I love what every pod brings to the table. However, in some cases I find myself wanting the no auto-heal from the Infirmary Pod and maybe lack of starting modules from the armory. Or perhaps the difficulty of the Sanitary Pod with the 4 hero start of the Armory Pod. A little of this, some of that, maybe taking out this...

My point is that sometimes your desired run experience involves a number of factors from a number of pods. And thus, the Custom Pod. Ideally unlocked after all the other pods, it would allow you to toggle the settings/conditions of the run before you begin. Changing number of starting heroes, heroes spawning in dungeon?, items/drugs or both, general difficulty, starting mods yes/no?, monsters aggro to research, etc etc... The overall goal is to offer veteran players their ideal experience along with a chance to play outside of the normal pods. Additionally can be great for multiplayer where maybe only 3 heroes are wanted or certain "rules" are desired. Just about anything could go!

Thoughts on this?

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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 8:47:12 AM
Perhaps completing the game with a specific pod would then unlock those settings for the custom one?
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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 9:02:14 AM
I haven't heard of this yet - even if it might have been suggested before.

But I love the idea. I'd play it smiley: approval

I wonder if you could add some really strange options that didn't come with any of the usual pods too.

I don't really know what it would be, but still.
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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 9:52:37 AM

This is an interesting idea (but with a lot of UI :sweatsmiley: smile

You can also edit the XMLs to create your own spaceship (Public\Configuration\ShipConfigs.xml and Public\Simulation\SimulationDescriptors_Dungeon.xml)!
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 7:15:38 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

This is an interesting idea (but with a lot of UI :sweatsmiley: smile

You can also edit the XMLs to create your own spaceship (Public\Configuration\ShipConfigs.xml and Public\Simulation\SimulationDescriptors_Dungeon.xml)!

That's awesome! After browsing through both those XMLs, I can't really see what could be changed/what would happen. Any tips/brief tutorial on some things to play around with? Also, if changes to the XML were made, would the changes be visible within multiplayer games?

melkathi wrote:
Perhaps completing the game with a specific pod would then unlock those settings for the custom one?

Yeah, I like that idea. Perhaps a certain host/group of settings, along with the pod itself, would come from overall game progress. And smaller, more interesting custom pod settings could come with achievement unlocks or album portrait unlocks, etc...
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 5:17:10 PM
BCB wrote:
After browsing through both those XMLs, I can't really see what could be changed/what would happen. Any tips/brief tutorial on some things to play around with?

Just look in these two files. So, my notices:

Here you can change the number of floors (Drill is not infinite, only 999 lol ), forbid heal, regen, pause or multiplayer (or, istead, turn it ON and play Refreezerator with friends)

Your starter modules. Also, in this section you can delete Stele or cryocapsule, so you wouldnt met them during your run.

Prohibit some modules, so you can never research them in crystal.

Items you have at start. Green text is not recognised by game.

Things you will never see with this pod.

Lot of things here. Like initial resourses, multipliers for hero's wit, attack, speed. Dust loot, monsters speed, heal cost, etc.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 6:23:55 PM
Thanks Lynx, that's helpful! In regards to turning Refreezerator into multiplayer I see two tasks: turn multiplayer on and set hero limit higher than 1 for desired number of players.

I'm guessing you can either delete the line "ForbidMultiplayer='True'" or change "True" to "False"??

And then any thoughts on how the hero count could be increased, or perhaps this happens automatically when MP is turned on?
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10 years ago
Dec 13, 2014, 11:14:55 AM
You can find the herocount in gameconfig. It has the count for standard pot and multipliers for the others. You'll have to change both the max and init values
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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 11:54:16 PM
melkathi wrote:
You can find the herocount in gameconfig. It has the count for standard pot and multipliers for the others. You'll have to change both the max and init values

I;ve found when I do this and start a game it gives me a message of "the public folder has been modified no achievements will be recorded this session and all the previously unlocked pods are now locked.

Where/what value do I change have them unlocked by default so I can make changes or unlock the refreezerator for multiplayer?
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10 years ago
Jan 1, 2015, 8:20:50 AM
Sorry, not actually sure smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Jan 3, 2015, 3:54:22 AM
Wolflyn wrote:
I;ve found when I do this and start a game it gives me a message of "the public folder has been modified no achievements will be recorded this session and all the previously unlocked pods are now locked.

Where/what value do I change have them unlocked by default so I can make changes or unlock the refreezerator for multiplayer?

The only way to realistically do it, is to copy the referezertator pods values onto another one that's unlocked by default then start the game
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