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Suggestion: Create a Hero program

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10 years ago
Jan 3, 2015, 11:48:12 PM
What would be superb would be the release of some type of simple "create a hero" program.

Basically in the program you would have x # of points to spend to allocate between armor, speed, etc, the ability to choose weapon type, what skills they start with, and others that will unlock during progression and an initial look. (perhaps a custom colored one from the various hero sprites already in the game?)

Basically this would let the community create an infinite variety of custom characters to play with and experiment with different concepts and customized teams and really add to the already considerable replay value.

Add in an ability to upload custom characters to the steam workshop and it would make for a fun resource for the community to enjoy.

I personally would happily pay for a hero creator as DLC if need be.
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10 years ago
Jan 5, 2015, 11:03:53 AM

This is a cool suggestion smiley: smile

In fact,we have been thinking about that since the beginning of the development. But to keep things simple, we had to make a choice between pre-defined heroes and random or editable heroes.

Even if there were really good pros for the second, we chose to go with the former. What we seem to be losing in terms of diversity, we earn it in the form of knowledge and attachment: little by little, the player is going to get used and learn how to master these heroes. This also allows usto provide a more efficient work on the visuals, background stories, personalities and the uniqueness of each hero!

Add now this feature is a lot of works, but we still keep your idea as a possible addition smiley: smile
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