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Suggestion: Allow us to "un-create" a group.

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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 12:12:45 PM
Let's say I've got 3 heroes. I select two of them and press Ctrl-4 to create a new group. Now, I recruit a fourth hero.

Whoops, I can't select the new hero.

Sure, I can select the new hero via the UI and press Ctrl-4 to create a new group with just them, but it would be great if I could press a key to just "un-create" the Ctrl-4 group.

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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 8:19:08 PM
How is selecting the hero and pressing ctrl-4 different than "un-creating" the group? Sure, there's a little 4 above their name, but perhaps if that just didn't show for groups that are exactly equal to the characters that are in them, that would make you happy?
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 1:08:36 PM
Let's say you select that new fourth hero via the UI and press Ctrl-4.

Great! For now.

After that, you recruit a fifth hero. And then hero 3 dies.

* Hero 1 and 2 stay the same, they are still accessible via 1 and 2 keys.

* Hero 4 is now hero 3 and can be accessed by BOTH 3 and 4 keys.

* Hero 5 is now hero 4 and inaccessible by any key; you have to click to select them.

Something like this actually happened to me, and it was a bit confusing.
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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 5:12:23 AM
Cowboy wrote:
Let's say you select that new fourth hero via the UI and press Ctrl-4.

Great! For now.

After that, you recruit a fifth hero. And then hero 3 dies.

* Hero 1 and 2 stay the same, they are still accessible via 1 and 2 keys.

* Hero 4 is now hero 3 and can be accessed by BOTH 3 and 4 keys.

* Hero 5 is now hero 4 and inaccessible by any key; you have to click to select them.

Something like this actually happened to me, and it was a bit confusing.

Not sure what you are asking for, you can't recruit 5 heroes at once, so this doesn't make sense. If you're saying that the heroes switch positions wrt hotkeys when one dies, isn't that the same even when you don't manually assign groups? It is really not that difficult to reassign control groups, I personally would much rather see Amplitude spend their resources making rooms that have been EMP'ed visible on the tactical map (pleasepleaseplease!!) or something.
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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 5:43:49 PM
I was trying to simplify my example, but screwed it up to the point where it no longer made sense.

Here's the actual thing that happened.

I had 3 heroes:

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

I wanted to make a group of just Hero 1 + Hero 2, so I selected both and pressed Ctrl-4.

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

Keypress 4 -> Hero 1 + Hero 2 (Ctrl-4 bind)

Then, I got a 4th hero, which didn't change what Keypress 4 did:

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

Keypress 4 -> Hero 1 + Hero 2 (leftover Ctrl-4 bind)

Clicking the Hero portrait in the UI -> Hero 4

Because Keypress 4 stayed the same, I had to select Hero 4 via clicking the UI and press Ctrl-4 before I could select Hero 4 via keypress. Once I did that:

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

Keypress 4 -> Hero 4 (Ctrl-4 bind)

Then, Hero 3 died.

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

Keypress 4 -> Hero 3 (leftover Ctrl-4 bind)

Then I got a 4th hero again, which didn't change what Keypress 4 did (again):

Keypress 1 -> Hero 1

Keypress 2 -> Hero 2

Keypress 3 -> Hero 3

Keypress 4 -> Hero 3 (leftover Ctrl-4 bind)

So, again, I had to select Hero 4 via clicking the UI and press Ctrl-4 before I could select Hero 4 via keypress.

Basically, once you use Ctrl-N to create a group (where N is a number from 1-4), you're going to have to constantly recreate groups as you lose and gain heroes.

What if you couldn't use 1-4 to create groups? I have since learned to just avoid 1-4, but others might not be so lucky and get aggravated!
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10 years ago
Jan 12, 2015, 1:20:41 PM
I've got it:

What if there was a way to deselect all heroes, via some kind of keybind or mouse click?

Then, if a group is "created" with no heroes selected, that group is deleted!
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10 years ago
Jan 13, 2015, 1:23:45 AM
FWIW, due to some accidental keypresses and feeling a need to shuffle Heroes around (that was a mistake), this is what my game currently looks like.

My OCD is seriously freaking out. I can't wait for this game to be over, win or lose. ARGH
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10 years ago
Jan 13, 2015, 8:08:35 AM
You can change around the team numbers by doing the following:

Select each hero individually then press ctrl plus the number you wish to unassign from the other heroes, This will override previous team bindings for that number and remove it from the non selected heroes.

In the above screenshot Cowboy, this would let you remove the 5's and 6's from multiple heroes.

The down side is any team numbers selected will need to remain on one of the heroes, but at least you can remove them from the rest and reorganize them.

(You can also dump the unwanted numbers on a hero right before you dismiss them to clear them entirely.)
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10 years ago
Jan 13, 2015, 12:51:57 PM
I was actually using the 5 group. Not the 6 group, though. And I'm not sure that dismissing a Hero is an optimal solution to un-creating groups :P
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