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logo amplifiers simplified

Minor suggestion

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10 years ago
Jan 19, 2015, 12:49:44 AM
When in a level, there should be a small indicator when I encounter a new character that tells me whether or not I have already unlocked him/her or not.
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10 years ago
Jan 20, 2015, 4:29:54 PM
When first playing I would have liked this as well, perhaps a simple "unlocked" or "locked" preface in their hiring convo bubble?

As it is currently you can save and exit to the main menu then start a new game, as long as you don't go past the character select screen your original save will not be overwritten and you can easily see who you have unlocked before determining whether or not to hire the heroine.

It would also be handy if there was an indicator that someone you encounter has a story arc involving one of your currently hired heroes so you won't miss out on a story opportunity.
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