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Reverse Pod (A pod with a new gameplay twist)

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10 years ago
Apr 24, 2015, 6:50:33 PM
Hi, ladies, gentlemen and robots I had a simple idea of a reverse pod. The reverse pod in my idea, could be in 2 forms, basically resuming in a reversal type of gameplay (you attack the crystal per floor):

-You control the heroes to attack the monsters defending the crystal (rooms are opened to find the crystal and destroy, includes their defenses)

(2 heroes of choosing)

-You control the aliens against the heroes (you put the amount of defenses in the rooms before the AI starts to opening the doors, includes their defenses to attack the crystal) (2-4 main alien units of choosing)

To unlock fullfill one of these prerequisites:

-Complete a secret event between characters ("Takes two people to talk")=> (new achievement?)

-Win a game without the end of the event ("Saved by that much")=> (new achievement?)

(I rly love that stuff smiley: smile ) "Note from sales brochure: Spins too much. May cause reversal tendecies and dizziness."

Here's some awesome true mega art masterpiece design totally not made with zero knowledge of drawing of the reverse pod

That's it, i don't think i have anything else to say about it, any suggestions and critics plz put on the section below.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2015, 12:01:43 AM
That's pretty cool, a refreshing twist on a typical run but still keeping the core elements of the game. +1 to you!
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