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Yet another BS achievement? (Endless Day)

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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 10:03:39 AM
Since the information on the achievement itself is pretty useless I checked the forum and found this in one thread:

"How to unlock the “Endless Day” achievement: you need to start a new game in any difficulty, hire the archivist hero and keep it alive, and complete the game. Make sure you start a game between January 21st and January 25th in order to get the achievement."

I just wanted to ask if that information is true.

If so... devs, guys, why are you doing this to us completionist/achievement hunters?

First you have achievement (Refrigerator related) for which you have to buy a special edition of completely different game to be able to get it as was mentioned in Kreyang related thread (though one of you said it would be possible to buy Refrigerator and Kreyang as DLC for DotE MAYBE SOME DAY). I wonder why stuff like this is even allowed considering the achievements...

Now you give us achievement you have only few days to achieve (and few days to get the character). I've seen other games do this before, but it doesn't make the achievements less stupid.

Or is it at least a yearly event? Again, this doesn't make the achievement less stupid, but at least we can try next year and not having only one shot...

Is this some joke to you? Or you are serious with BS like this?

The suggestion here is:

- allow purchasing the archivist as DLC character after the "event"

- change the requirements for the achievement so it is possible to get it anytime once you win the game with archivist in the squad

Thank you for your time, explanation and reconsideration.
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10 years ago
Jan 26, 2015, 7:16:37 AM
SpaceVC wrote:
I'm no expert, but in


there is also



Don’t hurt us.

What’s fun about technology is that you can mess with it. It’s easy: just go back in time."

Thanks for pointing that out.

Doesn't change what I think about achievements like that (and the refrigerator one is still a problem), but at least we can "cheat" it this time.
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10 years ago
Apr 17, 2015, 12:23:22 PM
1/ Refrigirator is now available as a DLC

2/ You still can change your computer clock...

3/ Achievement are for fun. And should be considered as "special awards" Not every player should be able to unlock everything evertime. It's not granted, you earn it.

4/ Chill
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10 years ago
May 5, 2015, 2:18:35 PM
You not only can unlock the hero at any time of the year, but you can unlock the achievement as well. Just make sure you reach the end of the dungeon with Esseb and your computer time is set to January 21st or so.
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