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Natural Cavern

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10 years ago
May 21, 2015, 1:21:19 PM
I remember in one of the opening trailers of a vast Cavern where some Necrophage Larvae scuttled around, and then the escape pod came crashing on through into the dungeon.

I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a new type of room that is not part of the main dungeon, but instead a natural cavern of Auriga.

You would not be able to power this room since it wasn't integrated into the rest of the facility, but you could use dust to close the door for the same cost of powering one. From these rooms and if left open enemies could spawn in multiple waves, which while adding some difficulty could provide other bonuses or perks, perhaps even having the anomalies from 'Endless legend' within these caverns.

It would be pretty to open a door and suddenly find yourself in a cave filled with softly glowing moss-pearls, or gaze into a mineral rich abandoned mine; The former could grant bonus science and food, while the latter could provide Industry. Sometimes you could end up with just a dud cavern, filled with abandoned junk and detritus from the endless, or just a deep dark hole.
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10 years ago
May 25, 2015, 7:58:11 AM
We are exactly searching for this kind of ideas at the moment, thanks Arro_532.
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10 years ago
May 26, 2015, 9:33:48 PM
You're most certainly welcome smiley: smile

I've also been thinking certain caverns might also be only found on certain floor types...

Infected/Overgrown labs:

Myocordia +10% Food, +20% Science/turn

Abandoned/Partly functioning lab:

Botanical Garden +15% Food, +15% Science/turn

Frozen Halls/Refrigeration area

Weaver worms +10% industry, +2 Dust/turn

Broken halls/Rusted Sump

Earth Tower (Base) +15% industry, +15% Science/turn

Near escape/Jungle Ruins

Wizard Stone +10% industry, +20% Science/turn
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