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Show Rhinos and Chimera Keepers on Tactical Map

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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 1:26:16 PM
In my games of DotE, I prefer to play with the tactical view, as I find the zoomed-in view to be rather small and cluttered, and being able to see enemy numbers and where they're coming from useful. At the start of every wave I have to zoom in, and check around for Chimera Keepers/Rhinos, as having either in my dungeon for too long is going to end badly. It's not really a major issue, but It'd be a nice quality of life update (For me at least,) If Rhinos/Chimera Keepers could be shown on the tactical map.
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9 years ago
May 2, 2015, 11:41:53 PM

Tips to combat this, though:

In singleplayer, just pause

In multiplayer, have each person be in charge of searching in one branch from the crystal or whatever major intersection you have to work off of smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Jun 3, 2015, 6:27:45 AM
Gredd18 wrote:
If Rhinos/Chimera Keepers could be shown on the tactical map.

yeah, it would be useful with large modules on tactical map
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