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Lockdown movement when operating modules

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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 4:08:59 AM
I was looking around in the forums but was unable to find a post related to this issue, so I apologize in advance if this has already been covered.

I suppose I should start off by saying that I like using heroes that can operate the major modules. I always have at least one in my party at all times. The problem is whenever I use an operator it is inevitable that I accidentally move them away from the module they are working on. As I am sure players know by now, an operator that leaves the room containing the module they were working on have to waste another turn to reactivate it, even if it was never intended for them to leave in the first place.

What I would like is for Amplitude to add one of the following options:

Add a command/icon either above the module or on the operator's portrait that when clicked on prevents the operator from moving until it is manually turned off. If an attempt is made to move the operator while the command/icon is active, a notification will pop up, informing the player that they must deactivate the movement lock down before they can move the operator.


Until the next door is opened, that specific module will not have to be reactivated if the operator leaves the room for any reason or any length of time. However, this rule will only apply to the operator that was working on the module originally. If a different operator tries to use it, it will need to be rebooted.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 4:47:57 AM
Locking the hero movement would be useful but unlocking it must be fast and easy in case of emergency.
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9 years ago
Jul 6, 2015, 10:36:02 AM
arguser wrote:
Locking the hero movement would be useful but unlocking it must be fast and easy in case of emergency.

That's sure. I suggest to make this "lock" status auto-cancellable with any damage reseived by the hero. Even maybe, lock status will be applied to any operating hero automaticly and requare doubleclick to move him out. This version doesn't requare any extra interface either!

Finally, after some game experience I've stopped "missclicking" operating heroes anymore, so now it's not a big issue for me. The easiest way to fix this problem is to make operating status cancels after any door opened, while operator is away from operated module -- the same way operating status is applied (hero still have to be near operating module to get an extra resourses). This can make operating heroes more mobile, allow them to repair modules in different rooms and collect dust in adjaсent ones, however, makes game a bit easier due to opportunity running away from monsters and returning after wave painlessly (I've not mentioned repairing any modules by operating hero as a simplification, because of now it's not a big problem to get "tools belt" device, which can be easily given to any hero between waves).

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