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[G2G] Creation Contest - The Next DotE Hero [BIOGRAPHY]

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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 2:53:17 PM
Not sure I`ll take part this time. Placeholder here anyway in case I do .


There has been pressure for me to submit at least something...

So going to copy 3 out of my twenty or so odd ideas as I find time.


Name: "Adriano" or Lab Experiment A. M01\11C (name needs some work)

Race: Chimera (Kamikaze)

Gender: Male?

Biography: "Adriano" had been slumbering in a test tube, dreaming about a life out on the prairie. Whether it was a life before the test tube or a vision of the future, it did not know and simply enjoyed the dream. Alarms around the lab tore it violently from its sleep. All around it test subjects were waking up. And many of them were exploding. Messily. "Adriano" was shocked. There was a pulsing and humming calling to it. Everyone else was heading out of the door towards this signal. It tugged at "Adriano"'s mind but it just couldn't go. Someone had to clean up this mess first. Clean up the mess, not explode while doing so and maybe worry about the pulsing and humming later. Especially if that created another mess. When it was done cleaning the room, which took a long time seeing how it tried to do a thorough job, it had started getting used to the constant throbbing in its head. Used to it enough to ignore it for now and go look for a way not to explode. And clean up where necessary on the way.

Personality: Obsessive Cleaning / Hypochondriac

Composition: Strong

Weapon: None (it could spit/belch out whatever makes other Kamikazes explode) OR spear (its broom/mop)


Name: Utterson (after the main character from "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" alternatively a name based on Jean-Baptiste-Édouard Gélineau would work)

Race: Jotus

Gender: Male

Biography: Utterson is the odd one out in his tribe; he is at the same time unaware by Jotus standards as well as ever watchful and on top of that very random in his behaviour. The other Jotus have given up trying to understand him and have written him off as weird. But this thing they do not understand is that Utterson suffers from a rare Jotus version of narcolepsy: only one head is awake at a given time. And as the two heads have separate lives and different experiences, they have grown to have very different personalities.

Personality: Split depending on the head that is awake. Curious for one head / Conservative for the other

Composition: Medium

Weapon: Gun for the curious head / Sword for the conservative head


Name: Belly of Faith

Race: Necrophage (necrodrone?) / Chosen of what will become the Cult of the Eternal End

Gender: -

Biography: Jonah had a life before but it had been without meaning, without purpose. Then the Unspoken had found him and changed him. Now his life had meaning, now he had purpose and most of all: now he had faith. Then a necrophage ate him. But somehow the gift the Unspoken had given him managed to survive and to live on in the beast’s belly. In flashes of vision the necrodrone glimpsed a unity greater than the hive and a force stronger than hunger. Excited it tried to share this truth with the hive. The only reason it did not get eaten is that the other necrophages were too scared they could be infected by whatever had overcome this necrodrone. So they cast it out instead. Now Belly of Faith wanders in search of the greatness burning in its belly.

Personality: Pilgrim / Prophet

Composition: Weak?

Weapon: if necrodrone none (spits acid) OR if humanoid (bipedal such as hunters or scavengers) necrophage spear
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 10:36:49 AM
Rancor wrote:
This is rather exciting, once again. I'll see if I can get any ideas before the deadline - if not he he, good luck to all participants.

well, even if I do get a submission for myself, I still wish you luck - it'll be great either way.

I have a few more ideas lying around, I can sell you some at a reasonable price smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 9:48:57 PM
atejas wrote:
We haven't seen a showing from the Cultists in DotE yet, so here's one:

Name: Altek The Hortator

Race: Cultist Machine


Biography: The Cultists of the Eternal End are not known for their subtlety. So it came as a pleasant surprise when Altek, once simply a mere automaton of the Queen's army, began a conversion raid on a nearby village with a particularly impassioned and powerful speech, convincing its leader to throw down his weapons and submit in a weepy fit of religious fervor.

Over time, molded by the Queen's psychic emanations and controlled exposure to Dust, Altek became her most charismatic agent, able to convert entire cultures bloodlessly. Now, Altek has offered its help to the Heroes, seemingly for free, asking only that they listen to its grandiose tales of escape and salvation, and the life of glory it promises on the surface...

Personality traits: Fanatical, manipulative

Composition: Weak

Weapon: Sword

I asked Nosferatiel, apparently at the time of DotE the Cultists don't exist yet, only the Unspoken wandering around and creating the odd Chosen (who'd die off though). Definitely no machines yet smiley: frown

That is why I worked my Cultist into a necrophage.
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 8:15:36 PM
Name; DR1LL4R

Race; Machine.

Gender; Genderless.

Bio;Manufactured by QEC inc. (Quick, Easy, Cheap) and sold for a ridiculous profit margin, DR1LL4R's took the world of corporate mining by storm. After an unfortunate lawsuit based on "Extreme levels of Radiation", "No concept of workplace safety", and "Drilling through workers in search of rare human metals", QEC inc. Bankrupted, disbanded, and DR1LL4R's everywhere were junked. (Or melted, marooned, blown to smithereens, etc.)

This particular DR1LL4R was bought on the cheap for use of the colonization project. Stranded with your "heroes" and with above average DR1LL4R intelligence, his mission is clear; Get out of cave. Dig better cave.

Personality; Dumb, Twitchy.

Composition; Normal/Technical.

Weapon; None.
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 5:18:32 PM
We haven't seen a showing from the Cultists in DotE yet, so here's one:

Name: Altek The Hortator

Race: Cultist Machine


Biography: The Cultists of the Eternal End are not known for their subtlety. So it came as a pleasant surprise when Altek, once simply a mere automaton of the Queen's army, began a conversion raid on a nearby village with a particularly impassioned and powerful speech, convincing its leader to throw down his weapons and submit in a weepy fit of religious fervor.

Over time, molded by the Queen's psychic emanations and controlled exposure to Dust, Altek became her most charismatic agent, able to convert entire cultures bloodlessly. Now, Altek has offered its help to the Heroes, seemingly for free, asking only that they listen to its grandiose tales of escape and salvation, and the life of glory it promises on the surface...

Personality traits: Fanatical, manipulative

Composition: Weak

Weapon: Sword
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 5:00:52 PM
Hero #1




Biography:This machination was long ago forgotten in the ruins of the endless, he knows only his name and his purpose, to defend. He will make sure none touch those who he is entrusted in protecting, why he was left to rot in the ruins is unknown.

Personality:Protective, Cold, Emotionless

Composition: Very high defense and very low offense, should be able to protect allies in the room in some way.

Weapon: None, He's a defender

Hero #2




Biography: Arcunga was known far and wide across Nidya territory for being the fastest and strongest warrior around. She could outrun just about anything. She's also known for her prominent skill in the way of the spear. However one fateful day she was ambushed by many skilled assassins, she managed to fight them until one of them broke her guard and cut one of her wings. Outraged by such she killed them all in a blind rush of fury. Having lost her wing she lost her great speed but gained something else... a bomb inside of her ready to go off at any moment.

Personality:Aggressive, Calm

Composition: Decent speed, Decent attack, Decent Defense, but she can snap in the middle of a battle and gain a lot more attack temporarily

Weapon: Spear

Hero #3

Name:The Devourer(W.I.P.)


Gender: Male

Biography: Having been born as a tiny flesh bag made of what previously was a Urces as it seems. Having inherited the great strength of the Urces with none of the mercy this monstrosity will go to any means to get a good meal. Slowly over time it evolves based upon the traits of those it has eaten. Whenever it gets close to the brink of death it plants an egg in the corpse of one it's fallen foes. When reborn the new hatchling will have to start over its quest to evolve

Personality:Ruthless, Resourceful

Composition: Starting out he's weak in everything but attack, but as he eats more and more his stats also grow more and more, If he dies his stats will be reset and he will be born anew, he will however keep his previous level.

Weapon:None he simply devours his foes
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 3:54:56 PM
Hi guys! Fairly new to this but I'm going to try my luck! Will update more in the near future!

Submission I

Name: The Duke

Race: Broken Lord?

Gender: Male


"Run! Run before you become one!" There it is again; that distant memory that keeps flashing through my mind. How long will I be able to keep up with this? Will I ever go insane? But then again.. insanity... does not even bother me right now. I need to keep going. Lost amongst these ruins. What has become of them? Are they just as much of a relic as this wretched curse of mine? An army of at least a dozen now lead by none. Where have they gone? Were those their voices? Alas this cannot continue, I must push on. Push on... Push on... Wait! I heard a crash. Survivors? Impossible. No one survives here. It was unfortunate of me and the expedition. What will become of it? The answers I mean. Is it possible to find it here? But it’s going to be okay, right? I need to do this even if I am the only one left. For the kin! I just hope I’ll be able to find an ally in this forsaken place.... this seemingly endless dungeon.

Personality traits: Still has some honor in him / Survivor

Composition: Normal

Weapon: Sword

Submission II

Name: The Jester

Race: Human

Gender: Male


Oh dear Jester, oh dearest Jester.

Creator of humor, to please his master,

Same old jokes, the jokes run dry,

Now dearest Jester will have to pry.

Reinstate is all he heard,

From his once cheerful master those words he feared.

Fresh and new is never good,

Now dear oh Jester, know it he should.

Kicked to the wilderness, off go thee!

Sheltered in a cave or so thought it be.

Entered he did but escape he did not,

Off with your head you muttering lot!

Stuck in this dungeon of endless spree,

This trusty old gun should get a degree!

Away! Away! I’ll shoot where you were sent!

What was it you read? This does not make sense?

The mind! The mind I think it’s going blind!

For as you see you’re in the Jester’s mind.

Fear not, fear not I still have some sanity.

For if you find me I just need some clarity.

Take me with you and trust me i'll be worthy.

For my jokes and my mind are nothing of a parody.

Personality traits: Insane in the membrane / A little on the nut side

Composition: Normal

Weapon: Gun

Good luck have fun to everyone participating!smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 5:59:24 PM
Name : Huntress Marudangyana

Race : Drakken

Gender : Female

Biography : Even before her birth, Marudangyana had to suffer her twin brother's overwhelming presence. They shared the same egg, and it cost her her right arm, which never developped properly. As they grew up, she watched her brother follow a path of violence and become one of the rare murderers in the Drakken society. Feeling the need to make amends for his acts, she became a huntress, chasing all kinds of criminals. Seh hoped to find her brother, who had vanished after killing an important archivist. She tracked him down and discovered he was detained in a spaceship and was about to be transferred to some place. Somehow, she managed to become part of the crew on the Success to ensure her brother would not escape.

Personnality traits : resentful, obsessed with her own ideal of (cold) justice, she considers everyone as a possible danger and is ready to face it.

Composition : weak

Weapon : because of her crippled arm, she can only use guns.
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 3:45:20 PM

Globally, "composition" gives hints about HP max / Defense and possibly Movement Speed.

Thanks for all the amazing entries, choosing will be hard! smiley: approval
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 3:06:24 PM

  • Jotus
  • female
  • Wicky enjoys scream of her pray. She could cut just so deep into hearth to let one drop out. She became famous for her skillful work with knives of all sorts. Her tribe was not big, but they always managed to survive with her skills. Wicky's tribe mates realized she can use her knowledge to good purpose. They snarled on her repeatedly and she agreed to became tribe's healer. She never used sedatives, that was her price. But others started to lose fear of death. That made leader of the tribe very angry. Wicky had been banished from the tribe by the leader, Wicky's other head. No one tried to stop her, because they already lost fear of her. So she traveled across lands and look for pray to torture. Until she get lost in ENDLESS DUNGEON.
  • Cruel, Submissive
  • normal
  • sword

Bishop Osbert Hillam

  • Broken Lord
  • male
  • As a young boy Osbert known he is special. He always wanted to be a bishop. He looked up to them more then to his own father, who was strong warrior and duke. He have an older brother, who will inherit the title and lands. Osbert started his career as humble servant of the church. Once after the big fight, his father rushed to the church with his brother in arms, dying. There was only Osbert in church, everyone left to pray near sacrificial pit. Osbert started to pray at the altar for his brother. Light shine and brother woke up. That was moment, when first endless technology activated. Osbert was promoted to Bishop. That night he should do his first sacrifice, his father alone volunteer as gift for his older son. Osbert refused. He went to look for cure of Dust Hunger. He did one miracle without sacrifice, he could do more, he though. He was looking for place to experiment with dust without guilt. He found ENDLESS DUNGEON.
  • self-appointed messiah
  • strong
  • spear

RM-18 "Droideka"

  • Machine
  • female
  • RM-18 or Ruthless Machine version 18 was constructed for one use, to kill. Problem began with missing "purpose" module and "free will" module extra. She let herself be hired by various organizations. She was effective and resistance was futile. She get her nickname "Droideka" and became most famous mercenary in region. She became wealthy, but she remain without real purpose. She started to take every job just to keep her busy. Once she was send on a mission to orphanage, for free of course. She killed around 35 targets that day. She never believed little kids cry that much when shot to head. Right as she was leaving she heard another cry. She get there to finish a mission just to find small robot boy, AF-83 there. She took him home and cared about him. Her employer push her to finish the job or he will finish her. She dismantled AF-83 and broke his CPU. After that she realized she want to have child on her own. Just never tell her "Robots cannot have kids" or they will be your last words. Her job took her as escort on "Success", she heard that maybe someone can help her to bear a child.
  • obsessive caretaker
  • weak
  • machine gun

I have a question about what "Composition" mean in regard with character ? I'm not sure.

Thank for the answer.

PS: sorry for my English. I tried my best. If something is not understandable I will explain and correct.

PSS: sorry for 1103 character in last story. I get carried away. If needed I can cut few parts to fit the limit.
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 2:16:18 PM
Awesome ideas so far! :3

Name: Brother Benedictus

Race: Broken Lords

Gender: Male

Biography: In his youth Benedictus looked to have a bright ecclesiastical future, excelling in his studies and possessing a keen intellect that overshadowed even his superiors. However, his future drastically changed after a tutor heard him espouse a heretical opinion during a hushed conversation; refusing to recant his statement, he found himself quickly excommunicated by his order and disinherited by his House. Now alone on Auriga, Benedictus has taken to the life of a wandering holy man, lending spiritual and real world guidance to anyone that will let him. A seemingly benevolent individual, just what exactly it was he said that got him exiled is unclear, but his aggressively friendly and unnervingly optimistic demeanour make him difficult to get rid of; and his ability to manipulate dust and a creature’s life force are undeniably useful in a bind.

Personality: Zealous and idealistic.

Composition: Normal.

Weapon: None: wields the power of dust!

Name: Count Iakobus Drakul

Race: Broken Lords

Gender: Male

Biography: A noble of little renown until the change that earnt the Broken Lords their name, the first victims of his thirst were his wife and their young daughter. Unable to control his hunger and filled with a self-aware rage, he began to amass likeminded warriors. Chafing at the restrictions to his feeding placed upon him, he declared a predatory crusade. Unfortunately, he lost followers to battle (and his own hunger) faster than he could replenish them. Reviled and alone, he vanished and became somewhat of a folktale. Some say he was finally killed in a forgotten skirmish, others say that, in a moment of clarity brought on by dust withdrawal, he was wracked with guilt and disappeared into the depths of Auriga to search for redemption. If he found any atonement or peace, the creature found by the survivors seems to have lost it. Mostly incoherent, highly unsettling, and prone to violent outbursts when not immediately fighting, maybe it’s best if he doesn’t reach the surface.

Personality: Psychopathic and unstable.

Composition: Strong.

Weapon: Sword; lets him get nice and close.

Name: Hildr the Headtaker

Race: Geldirus

Gender: Female

Biography: Born with an unnatural intelligence and aptitude for her species, Hildr was regarded by her kin with suspicion and dread. Despite her innate superiority, she strove to prove herself to her tribe at every opportunity, especially in martial feats. Her defining moment came when she challenged a dust-warped Gauran warlord to single combat; barely prevailing, she would have died were it not for her exposure to her vanquished enemy’s tainted blood. Physically and emotionally altered, her fearful tribe banished her. Now dust-empowered and fuelled with a new-found thirst for glory, Hildr’s first act was to slay her former-chieftain. She now wanders Auriga in search of a worthy challenge.

Personality: Ambitious and belligerent.

Composition: Strong.

Weapon: Sword! (unless the devs decide to include an axe any time soon smiley: wink)
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 1:40:15 PM

Hi guys,

As you all know, we have been focusing on improving the multiplayer at the moment, amongst other things. In the meantime, we thought a little something fun for your all. And that’s of course a new contest: we are giving you the opportunity to create the next Dungeon of the Endless hero.

This contest will be divided in three parts:

  • Biography and archetype [Forumsubmissions+G2Gvote]
  • Visual [Forumsubmissions+G2Gvote]
  • Hero finalisation [G2Gvote]


Your submission must include all the following elements:

  • A name (20 characters max)
  • A race: Vaulter (human), Nidya, Broken Lord, Necrophage, Sister of Mercy, Drakken, Machine, Jotus, Hurna, Silics
  • A gender
  • A biography (1000 characters max)
  • 1-2 personality traits
  • Composition: weak, normal or strong
  • Weapon: sword, spear, machine gun, or gun


  • You are limited to three submissions. Please also note that we will only accept submissions posted in English.
  • Keep your submissions in one post only (you can edit it until the deadline)
  • Do not include elements defining the hero’s appearance, except the ones listed above (that's limited to part 2 only!). We will exclude submissions that do not take this into account.
  • Do not create links with other heroes for the storyline: we’ll handle this in part 3.
  • Do not give gameplay instructions


  • Get ideas from what’s already available in game. There’s no need to invent a new race for instance.
  • Keep it short and simple: complicated ideas aren’t always the best
  • Have fun


Submit your ideas before February 16th. We’ll be closing the thread at midday (CET). We will choose the three best submissions that will move on to the G2G vote.


The two lucky winners (part 1 and part 2) will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits
  • A unique Dungeon of the Endless T-shirt
  • Three copies of Dungeon of the Endless (Crystal Pack), to play co-op with their friends!

smiley: warning Please note that Amplitude reserves the right to modify the 3 proposals and will work with the winners to finalise the design and adapt it to development constraints. Jeff, our writer, will work on the biography in particular to make sure it fits within the game.

Good luck to everyone!

smiley: amplitude
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 10:33:25 AM
This is rather exciting, once again. I'll see if I can get any ideas before the deadline - if not he he, good luck to all participants.

well, even if I do get a submission for myself, I still wish you luck - it'll be great either way.
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 8:26:05 AM
Name: Jaina Southren

Race: Vaulter


A biography (1000 characters max) Jaina was an old lady married to a gajillionaire that ran a really evil conglomerate, think like GMO except instead of crops, pug meat. The two haven't spoken in years, but Jaina received a check every month to ensure she didn't try to divorce him. She didn't really care about money though, just lack of excitement, or so she told her old gal friends at the hairdressing saloon as she revealed to them the little derringer from her purse. Her old gal friends were actually spies for her husband, and her husband feared the worst at such a change of events. As a preemptive strike, he ordered that Jaina be arrested on some random charge, and so here we are now.

Oh and she looks and fights like a 23 year old because that's some really next gen botox she's got going in a pill form. The fountain of eternal youth is veeeery expensive. She doesn't have an infinite amount, and she's definitely not sharing.

Personality Traits: Old version = Cruella DeVille. Young Version= Loves excitement.

Composition: weak and strong (I'm really sorry)

Weapon: Gun
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 7:35:41 AM
Name: Dax

Race: Machine

Gender: Male


Although designed to be a prototype combat cyborg, Dax has an ironic aversion to combat. He deplores any kind of violence that isn’t absolutely necessary, which led to him deserting his military duties and subsequently landing himself in prison. In the weeks before his desertion, his original human habits and personality began to resurface – casual clothes-wearing, anxiousness and general breaking of protocol, all surely would have contributed to his prison sentence. Dax considers it worth it because he does get to wear some killer shoes.

Personality Traits: Nervousness, Quick Reflexes

Composition: Normal

Weapon: Gun (Rifle)
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 3:25:30 AM
Name: Albus Treikia

Race: Jotus,

Gender: Female

Biography: Youngest fertile member of her pack and daughter to renown matriarch Albus Trasker and stalwart father Albus Wreight. Lured from the safety of her pack by a roving male, they were unable to return together and forced, as per custom, to form their own together. Alone and seeking shelter they were captured by well meaning but misguided zoologists for export as a breeding pair to rejuvenate a retired blood sport pack. During transit their 'handlers' were less than understanding. Her first litter was born premature from the trauma and with no access to the diet and herbal treatments that might have saved them. In anger her mate retaliated and although taken away unconscious they were kept apart for the rest of the flight. When the alarm to evacuate ship came her howls were unanswered. As the escape pod left she vowed to find her mate. But more she vowed on the memory of first litter that those who did this would answer to her.

Personality traits:Volatile anger, devoted mate.

Composition: Strong

Weapon: spear (high damage) or sword (penalty) or melee (claws high attack speed)
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 8:17:17 PM
name Billy Gooseman (reference to Shane Gooseman & Billy the Kid)

race Vaulter (human)

gender male


Billy is a skilled gunslinger, who constantly talks about his glory days as a farmer on the planet Green-Desert2.

There was a time when he owned the only spotted cow in the whole galactic sector. But then the day came when the spots started

to spread themselves onto other cows. That was the root of the third great federal farmer conflict. As a result Billy got appointed

as a deputy sheriff to put things straight again. After all it was the fault of his cow Maggi, who caused the mess!

Billy has already endorsed successfully the first 32 spots in the official sheriff's register, but unfortunately it didn't lead to any

relevant information.

Sometimes Billy gets impatient and is whining about the duty imposed upon him. He misses his simple lifeas a farmer and

hopes he will soon find somebody in the far galaxy who can help him bring light into the dark riddle of the spots.

The only thing that comforts him is his enviable talent with the colt.

personality traits talkative, grounded, clueless

Composition normal

Weapon gun
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 4:37:01 PM
Seek wrote:
Name: Herny

Race: Hurna

Gender: Male

Bio: Sullen and quiet, this brooding hulk was a prisoner on the ship when it went down. As a number of corpses could tell you (if they were still alive, that is) Herny doesn't like to be bothered, so little is known about his past - however, a shrewd observer might ascertain that he might once have been a bounty hunter given his ability to forage, track and kill. In the evenings, while sharpening his tusks, he can be heard muttering about the "blasted jet-pack" the bounty hunter who back-stabbed and captured him had.

Weapon: Spear

Composition: Normal strength, fast speed, low wit

Traits: Bad Company, Talented Forager (chance for bonus food when opening a door)

Name: Geen Krup'a

Race: Jotus

Gender: Male

Bio: Geen Krup'a had the honor of leading the drum corps of his tribe when marching into battle. His ferocious assault and battery of the war drums has granted him an uncanny ability to wield two swords simultaneously to great effect. Whether playing or fighting, his two heads each bear a constant maniacal grin, and he keeps such a steady rhythm that he inspires others fighting on the same side. Recently, during a raging battle his drums shook the earth such that the entire battlefield collapsed and fell into the ancient tunnels below Auriga. Now separated from his tribesmen, he has wandered the tunnels searching for an escape for weeks now.

Weapon: Double sword

Composition: Strong

Traits: Feral, Battle Drums (ATK bonus for other heroes in the same room)

Hehe, I had posted an idea about a Hurna Drummer a while back on my blog smiley: smile Great minds and all that.
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 4:05:43 PM
Name: Herny

Race: Hurna

Gender: Male

Bio: Sullen and quiet, this brooding hulk was a prisoner on the ship when it went down. As a number of corpses could tell you (if they were still alive, that is) Herny doesn't like to be bothered, so little is known about his past - however, a shrewd observer might ascertain that he might once have been a bounty hunter given his ability to forage, track and kill. In the evenings, while sharpening his tusks, he can be heard muttering about the "blasted jet-pack" the bounty hunter who back-stabbed and captured him had.

Weapon: Spear

Composition: Normal strength, fast speed, low wit

Traits: Bad Company, Talented Forager (chance for bonus food when opening a door)

Name: Geen Krup'a

Race: Jotus

Gender: Male

Bio: Geen Krup'a had the honor of leading the drum corps of his tribe when marching into battle. His ferocious assault and battery of the war drums has granted him an uncanny ability to wield two swords simultaneously to great effect. Whether playing or fighting, his two heads each bear a constant maniacal grin, and he keeps such a steady rhythm that he inspires others fighting on the same side. Recently, during a raging battle his drums shook the earth such that the entire battlefield collapsed and fell into the ancient tunnels below Auriga. Now separated from his tribesmen, he has wandered the tunnels searching for an escape for weeks now.

Weapon: Double sword

Composition: Strong

Traits: Feral, Battle Drums (ATK bonus for other heroes in the same room)
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 1:34:59 PM
Submission 1


Race: Machine/vaulter titan

Gender: Male

Biography: A military killbot repurposed for riot response.. at least that was before the crash. ADM seems to have gotten in touch with his inner child, hes scared of the dark, scared to be alone and thinks the crystal is his mother.

Personality Traits: Child-like Soul | Loves the crystal

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Sword


Submission 2


Race: Machine

Gender: Male

Biography: A strange bot marked as a prisoner, he hides under a hooded robe and doesnt seem to have an occupation listing, I tried asking but all he says is "Memory Needs Every Method Of Nurturing Its Capacity". Too spooky for me.

Personality Traits: Spooky | Good Memory

Composition: weak

Weapon: gun
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