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Field Medic research 2 is cheaper than 1?

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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 9:37:37 PM
Wasn't sure which thread I should have placed this in, so I thought of it more of a question rather then a tech problem.

When I research field medic, it costs 48 science to get it. When I go from level 1 -> 2 however, it only costs 36. Was this an accident, or is it on purpose?

I ask of this as every research (that I know of) has level 1 being the cheapest, and 4 being the most expensive, so this seems out of place.

Version 1.1.0 (in case the game is updated as I write this)
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9 years ago
Dec 2, 2015, 11:30:20 AM

In fact there are 3 different types of research cost evolutions:

  • Minor modules have the same cost on lvl 1 and 2
  • Major modules which produce resources have a smaller cost on lvl 1 than lvl 2
  • Other major modules have a greater cost on lvl 1 than lvl 2 (because we want the access to these technologies harder)

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3 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 4:23:24 AM
Mysterarts wrote:
In fact there are 3 different types of research cost evolutions:
  • Minor modules have the same cost on lvl 1 and 2
  • Major modules which produce resources have a smaller cost on lvl 1 than lvl 2 Elastic man
  • Other major modules have a greater cost on lvl 1 than lvl 2 (because we want the access to these technologies harder)

I need this information. It's hard for me as a newbie in this game. I'm only level 5, but controlling the characters is not easy for me. I'm in need of support.

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