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The SATATT - Short advanced tips and tricks thead

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10 years ago
Dec 21, 2014, 3:36:28 PM
Hey guys,

More and more people are playing this game, but there is so little forum activity.

I thought it would be great if we all participated and shared short tips and tricks to help each other improve!

I'll kick it off:

1. When there is a dust merchant in the floor and you are ready to run for the elevator, send your second fastest hero to buy all items from him while the fastest one grabs the crystal. You won't take the dust with you, anyway!
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 1:26:01 AM
Tips ordered by their complexity.

2. "Block!"- No monsters will spawn in a dark room, if a hero occupies it.

3. "Open and back block"- The hero that opens a door can immediately return to a dark room to block that as well.

4. "Open and cross block"- Instead of opening and back blocking, the hero can cross into an entirely different room and block that instead. The speed required is dependent on the distance covered, but basically, in a 2x2 room, blocking diagonally will take 36 speed, and blocking orthagonally will take at 42 or 43 speed (I forget which).

5. "Open and don't block"- You can indirectly generate dust by not blocking. Monsters generate dust, so you should be generally always allowing as many spawns as you can take, as long as it's within acceptable risk. You could even open a door and simply enter it to allow the room you entered from to spawn.

6. "Operator Dust Shift"- Operators retain their operating status if you turn their room on and off (except in multiplayer due to a bug). By performing an "ODS", you can open a door, wait for the exact moment when an operator generates F/I/D/S, and then immediately turn off their room and power a different room at no consequence. The operator not only generates the resources, but they block the room they are in as well, essentially granting you a reusable 10 dust. ODS is somewhat of a misnomer, as there are times that non-operators will perform this as well, ie the fighter opens a room with a science module in it, just to shift the dust away directly after.

6.5 "Operator Trick Shift"- An operator can retain their operating status even after switching into a different adjacent room. You just have to time it correctly and have an operator with speed 36. It's highly dependent on your operator's speed and which resource the operator is working on... Industry ticks off first, so that one's the easiest. This is a very crappy tip, I know, it's more like fun trivia.

7. "Pocket"- A "pocket" is just a non-self powered room with a module slot, and only one entrance into the room. Pockets give two advantages when combined with ODS: Unpowering a pocket does not unpower any other room, and you will not have to worry about opening any doors next to the operator, so you're free to not build turrets there and can freely camp the operator into that room for the entirety of the floor.

8. If the room you open contains either a merchant, a recruitable hero, or a room that you have already discovered, there will be no wave of monsters.

9. "Man-made pocket"- If there are only two doors in a room, and the one you haven't opened leads into a room that you've already discovered, you can essentially just use that room as a pocket, for ODS.

10. "Open and forget about blocking"- There's a maximum number of waves per floor. Once you've reached that amount, blocking can become almost useless. For example, if you had 11 rooms unlit, and the maximum number of waves was 6, having all four heroes block will still give you 6 waves, so why bother? FYI, I've asked the developer and he stated that having more heroes block does not affect how many waves will spawn if there are too many unlit rooms. The only reason to at that point would be to ensure that monsters spawn in a specific position (and not behind your frontline, for instance).

Sorry if this is becoming LATATT
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10 years ago
Jan 3, 2015, 6:02:03 AM
11. Don't open doors to rooms you have already discovered until the end. Mainly for routing and strategic reasons and partially for the extra income if you are still building resource modules.

12. 1, 11, 21, 31, 41(?) Wit are the ideal breakpoints for operating shop since they give 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 dust respectively. Any additional wit in between these breakpoints, you will see no benefit. If you are a few wit off a breakpoint, add some Mechanical Pals. (Actual formula is Wit/10 rounded to next integer)

13. Most modules stack. I actually don't know if any one of the modules does not stack.

14. You can move heroes (best with range heroes) away from the mobs by ordering him/her to move to the room away from the mobs and issue another order back into the room with mobs. Mobs will always target hero/heroes closest to them. This effectively loses aggro if another hero is in the room. If everything was done before hero leaves the room, you will not lose operating bonus.

15. Always try to keep items like dehydrated water, ahrrmani armor, hipster scarf, aftershave, third eye and hand vacuum. These items are invaluable although situational. They can be hot swapped at any time. For example: Third eye right before opening a door. Dehydrated water before healing.
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4 years ago
Oct 19, 2020, 7:42:58 PM
pepoluan wrote:

Does a Merchant also block an unlit room?

Merchants and unrecruited heroes don't block

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