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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2015, 3:56:54 PM
It would be more fun if you didnt have to wait a turn to gain resource from operating major mods in multiplayer, cause standing there just operating is no fun. Its also annoying when you forget to switch hero and move your module operating one losing the bonus.

It would also be nice if you could choose to auto send a resource to another player, so you dont have to do that manualy every turn (gets a bit annoying).

It would also be nice if people could join your started game in case some one left, or need to rejoin from disconnection. If the host leaves game or disconnect its pretty annoying that the game ends.

Maybe also a little vote box for all to vote on, to open doors, so you dont get people just rushing in before you got to build your stuff, or what ever you needed to do? If we got this, maybe also have a "away from keyboard" keybind giving away your vote in case some one needs to eat, or some thing.

It would also be nice if you could view the shop, or research upgrades if a team mate were standing near it.

It would be cool if monsters could drop items, that would make it more fun, and a reson to stay extra when your about to move to next floor.

It maybe a good idea to have some mobile drones? What if the mechanical buddy if upgraded to max would join any free slot in your party, it would be mobile doing the same stuff, only now it can leave a floor to. I also tought a combat drone could be fun, as a hero you have to research (a maxed holohero maybe?).
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2015, 7:53:02 PM
1. You have to wait one turn to operate so people don't just operate and leave. If they could, operate would be a little overpowered.

2. The vote box would get extremely tedious, and there might be a stubborn tie between 2 of them. Besides, opening multiple doors at once isn't always bad smiley: wink

3. Monsters dropping items would only work if it was a super small chance to occur

4. Combat drones would be a little overpowered in my opinion

All the other ones would be awesome I think smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2015, 9:01:55 PM
PeterLG wrote:
1. You have to wait one turn to operate so people don't just operate and leave. If they could, operate would be a little overpowered.

2. The vote box would get extremely tedious, and there might be a stubborn tie between 2 of them. Besides, opening multiple doors at once isn't always bad smiley: wink

3. Monsters dropping items would only work if it was a super small chance to occur

4. Combat drones would be a little overpowered in my opinion

All the other ones would be awesome I think smiley: biggrin

1. yes, but im sure they could tune that some to make it less over powered

2. Yeah your right about that, maybe only the host should get to vote for opening 1-3doors?

3. yes that was my thinking to, and maybe not a good item even.

4. how is that overpowered? im sure they can add some thing to make it more balanced.

I also had a idea that if you talked to hero`s in stead of recruiting them also have a super small chance to unlock events leading to rewards.

I was thinking, if sara talked to gork he would after some talking try to fight here, and if you almost killed him he would join you for free, or at a reduced cost. I was also thinking that some of those rewards had to be obtained from a specific hero, maybe some rare tech blueprint, or some thing.

I was also thinking, maybe the host should have the ability to save the game, so in case some one droped out you could just remake it from last save.
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2015, 9:18:53 PM
Edit: On second thought, maybe combat drones wouldn't be op -- as long as they cost a lot, can't occupy, have low-ish stats, and you can only have 1 active at a time
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2015, 9:29:01 PM
Yep, also in stead of the host just voting for opening doors, he could just push a on and off button for allowing doors to open.

The button would be just a small icon of a door that all team mate could see, turning green if on, and red if off.

I was also thinking about some thing like that for hero skills, if you right clicked em with your mouse you could just use e or some other keybind to use it even if your hero is not selected.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2015, 8:57:49 AM

Thank you for these suggestions smiley: smile

Some of them are already in the Community List, we will add the others in a upcoming update of the list!
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2015, 2:16:25 PM
Hi, thanks for adding it to the list.

I will check out the list, in case i get a new idea thats already on it smiley: wink
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10 years ago
May 1, 2015, 4:57:20 PM
If you add drones to the game, maybe let them only be used by people that operate major mods? unless you have a free spot in your party to give it. Would be more fun operating major mods then smiley: smile

If you let the drone open doors to, you could have a party full of operators, for those who are into that.

The combat drone could have a activate skill that made it into some kind of deployed weapon, and a passive skill increasing the Rate of fire, based on how much combined speed the heroes in the room has. The more speed the slower Rate of fire, making it nice to have a slow hero like gork who cant kite monsters very well.

(50-hero speed=%increased fire rate)

Its second activate skill could make it tanky, and have a passive skill favoring fast heroes in the room.

(0.5*hero speed =bonus def on drone)

Only one activate skill can be active, and needs a major mod slot. The drone cant use food to heal, but will repair it self slow over time. The drone dont use items, and cant level up. It will look a bit like Mechanical Pal, but change appearance based on what skill is activated.

I also miss some more ways to include people in the researching, and building aswell, as most games in my experience are dominated by one, or two guys. Who wanna be leader, and do it all.

Before i started playing the game, i was imagining that the pods were space ships you

selected as yours, you went down to planets, and into dungeons, or large buildings to find

powerful upgrades and resources to upgrade your ship. There would be alot of these all around on

planets, you would get into space fights to, and invade other spaceships dungeon style.

Mix of Dungeon of the endless and Endless space. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
May 14, 2015, 3:20:05 PM
What about a pod were your Equipment stay for next run? and you can use them to take on the next difficulty mode.
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10 years ago
May 20, 2015, 12:41:31 PM
ibux wrote:
What about a pod were your Equipment stay for next run? and you can use them to take on the next difficulty mode.

Keeping your equipment would make it pretty easy, and even if it was added, it doesn't seem like a pod-specific thing. Also, drones would defeat the purpose of the trade-off of having operators -- resources vs manpower.
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10 years ago
May 21, 2015, 3:25:15 AM
PeterLG wrote:
Keeping your equipment would make it pretty easy, and even if it was added, it doesn't seem like a pod-specific thing. Also, drones would defeat the purpose of the trade-off of having operators -- resources vs manpower.

The game is easy if your lucky, but anyway, it would just be some fun and replay value to the multiplayer, dunno if it would be any good for the game in single player.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2015, 10:10:19 PM
ibux wrote:
What about a pod were your Equipment stay for next run? and you can use them to take on the next difficulty mode.

As others implied, that wouldn't fit into the game. And yeah, automatically redirecting resources would be great.
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