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10 years ago
Oct 18, 2014, 1:55:17 AM
Sapphire and I ran an Easy Infirmary tonight.

I chose Nanor, my favourite infirmary character. Sapphire went with random and got Gork, as I understand her least favourite character :P

We soon encoutnered Troe for Sapphire and then Golgy for myself.

The run was a stroll in the park up to floor 5. There we had some miscomunication and doors got opened that shouldn't. Golgy died.

We managed to push on and met Hikensha on floor 7 (and level 7, costing me 97 food).

On Floor 9 lag hit Sapphire badly alongside some large waves including Keepers (love how tough they can be now at full size). We basically ran out of food which got Troe killed. Opbot would have cost 162 food to recruit. We had less than 20 among the two of us.

We managed to run to the elevator but things went bad on loading. Gork did not appear on the next floor. While on my screen he had shown up at the exit and was present in the elevator ride, Sapphire got the game over message.

Needless to say, I shortly got overrun by elite mini golems 4 doors into floor 10.

Things I had issue with:

The door event icon still overlays part of the chatbox, making it extremly hard and at times impossible to talk to other people. I hope this gets fixed asap.

There is no chat in the lobby and in the hero selection screen. Especially the latter is a huge problem, as it does allow us to tell people things like "Just waiting for one person who is on the phone, then we'll start" or "Would you mind if I played as X".

There is no way to set up a private game, meaning if I want to play with people from my friend list, we'll have to create games and fill them up fast :P

No inventory trading is a pain - especially as we have no clue whatsoever what item could be in that box. Having to sell and rebuy at merchants is not a solution as it unbalances all the prices and resource gain.

Having to coordinate research and in turn who builds which module (because of different levels available to the team) just makes the game drag on without voicechat. A big barrier for playing with randoms or even with more than one other person.

Irrelevant to Multiplayer:

My UI still resizes itself back to large everytime I launch the game.
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 2:33:42 PM

Thanks for the feedback smiley: smile

The chat and the UI resize will be fixed in the next update.

I will add your suggestions in our multiplayer improvements list (which will be published soon).
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