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Research in Multiplayer, we have a problem here!

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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 11:07:21 AM
Hi there, after i tryed some MP games in this game, here is my feedback

I wont complain about the mess of item trading, you are already aware about it and other players asked already.

Same for the save issue

The other big problem i met was about research, so the researchs are individual, wich mean if someone research for tier 2 replicators, only him can build them, other people wont be able to build it.

So what it means? one guy has to make ALL the researchs and then he has to build everything, that's a bit annoying because the ressources are spared and then you have to give him all your industry and research points every turn.

What is the point to research 4 time for replicators 2 then everyone can build it?

So what i would recomend, would be to share the research for the team! Its seems very basic but it's more logic.

Then someone can focus on the research, an other one can focus on buildings, etc..

Actualy the same guy has to do everything, and other guys are just giving ressources and fighting..

I guess you are already aware about this science problem but for me the MP isnt very playable for a long and hard game without this basic feature (you can but it's very anoying)

Also what about making industry and science shared, and only food individual?

Then we don't have to give it every turn to the builder/scientist

PS: it seems im not in the good section for suggesting, i copy paste it in the good one, sorry
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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 11:49:50 AM
it's indeed annoying, but it would be great if this comes in "multiplayer settings" so you can toggle them "shared resource, shared research, etc"

it's better "toggle-able" smiley: smile
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